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Old 03-24-2010, 07:49 AM   #3331 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tombo View Post
The only thing I've noticed that I sorta don't care for is in BC2 the maps load pretty slow with every setting maxed out. Well worth it imo for the updated scenery. However, BC2 is the only game that I've seen that happen with.
My card should be here within the next week and I'm like a kid waiting for Santa.
As for BC2, my biggest complaint is that you can't strafe while running. WTF?
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Old 03-24-2010, 08:01 AM   #3332 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Borknagar View Post

Metro 2033, which i thoroughly enjoyed
Please tell me more about this. What i've seen is quite interesting, so if the price lowers i might buy it.

I've read that it's very stealth-based... Is it?
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Old 03-24-2010, 09:59 AM   #3333 (permalink)
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I've read a bit about Metro 2033. I'm probably way oversimplifying things but it was made by some defectors from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games and it looks like it has some of the same feel to it. Although of course it's probably far more mainstream and less difficult than S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:19 AM   #3334 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Junkenstein View Post
The second part of the pirandello kruger level in mirror's edge is probably the worstly designed level i've ever seen.

I mean, you're in a free running game and you build up a level where you're locked in aroom, unarmed, with four guys that kill you with one shot. One would think stealth, right? No, my friend. You cant hide and they kill you even if you crouch. I've been told by a person that solved it that you have to be lucky and disarm one of those fellas with the magnificent combat system. But it's a very rare chance since you die after half a second after you enter the room.

Fuck this game.
Bloody hated that bit, took me about two hours because I wasn't using guns. It's worth noting that the slide kick is very useful.

Originally Posted by Sheepy View Post
Can't believe I beat Standardman to this but...

Left 4 Dead 2 Half-off on Steam as part of their mid-week sale! Holy shit! I couldn't resist getting it. This may very well ruin any thought of being productive on my break.
+1 I was playing this last night with Hellbent, great fun.

Originally Posted by naberdy View Post
I've read a bit about Metro 2033. I'm probably way oversimplifying things but it was made by some defectors from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games and it looks like it has some of the same feel to it. Although of course it's probably far more mainstream and less difficult than S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Pretty much why I want to play it. I heard they took some of the technology (legally or otherwise) too. It also supports Direct X 11 on the PC, which makes it look real pretty.

Last edited by standardman; 03-24-2010 at 10:22 AM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:08 PM   #3335 (permalink)
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Only really have time for one game, and most of my gaming involves playing my Nintendo DS(Pokèmon SoulSilver), after reading everyones posts, and knowing whats out/good, I feel very left out.

/goes back to playing Pokèmon.
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:14 PM   #3336 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by standardman View Post
Bloody hated that bit, took me about two hours because I wasn't using guns. It's worth noting that the slide kick is very useful.
I had to be patient and stomp my way out of the room. And then the game gained 1000 points with the runner cops bit. Outstanding.

Have a weird time thinking of a modern version of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. One of the stand-out aspects of the game was how bare-bones and gritty it felt...

Next on my list are (maybe) Just Cause 2 (but i'm not sure) and L4D2...
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Old 03-24-2010, 06:01 PM   #3337 (permalink)
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Trine. Next, Bob Came In Pieces. Then I might play through Portal again.

All the while playing BFBC2 online, obvs.
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Old 03-24-2010, 06:06 PM   #3338 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ryanvc76 View Post
My card should be here within the next week and I'm like a kid waiting for Santa.
As for BC2, my biggest complaint is that you can't strafe while running. WTF?
In a way it sort of makes sense. I mean, running at full tilt and side stepping in a full load out is more likely to end up faceplanting and dropping your weapon. Perhaps having speed loss be the effect of strafing?

I personally felt that the controls and movement of Modern Warfare was more fluid and user friendly. It took me a few days to really find my feet on BC2. Then again, having a shitball graphics card when I first started surely didn't help at all. But whenever I do go onto MW2 I beat the hell out of people better than before.

If you ever play the Almacata(sp) Desert map with some friends I highly suggest launching quads halfway across the map. Some friends and I went on to an empty server that only plays that map, had 5 engineers drop anti-tank mines behind a quad with an assault guy to keep them stocked, and blew up the mines with a grenade to send the quad and driver (so long as they don't put their own mines down) from the spawn point to the center of the map. Good times for when the SRS BSNS players are gettin you down.

We got the humvee to go decently, and the tanks don't fly too well. The chopper made a nifty maneuver, but the quad is by far the best vehicle to be launched. Especially after the first explosion makes a huge crater in the ground for better thrust.

As far as the card goes, I was a bit overzealous in wanting it installed so I forgot to clean all of my old irrelevant graphics drivers off of my hard drive before trying to install the latest driver package. In short, after realizing I couldn't access the Control Center again I ended up having to wipe all of that crap off the disk before it worked properly. Just a heads up.
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Old 03-24-2010, 06:19 PM   #3339 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Junkenstein View Post
I had to be patient and stomp my way out of the room. And then the game gained 1000 points with the runner cops bit. Outstanding.

Have a weird time thinking of a modern version of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. One of the stand-out aspects of the game was how bare-bones and gritty it felt...

Next on my list are (maybe) Just Cause 2 (but i'm not sure) and L4D2...
I'd like to see more of that in a sequel - free running with and away from other free runners would be exhilarating on big, open levels.

The modern version of STALKER is Call of Pripyat - Metro, unfortunately, is linear.

I love the Just Cause 2 demo but I'm unsure how long that enjoyment will last. It's also one of the first games that made my PC chug when I first played it; guessing it's a RAM thing.

Are you getting L4D2 in the sale? Let me know when you're playing and I'll join you. Oh, and you should set up your steam community profile - it's a super-neat thing. One of us, one of us...

Originally Posted by Tombo View Post
In a way it sort of makes sense. I mean, running at full tilt and side stepping in a full load out is more likely to end up faceplanting and dropping your weapon. Perhaps having speed loss be the effect of strafing?

I personally felt that the controls and movement of Modern Warfare was more fluid and user friendly. It took me a few days to really find my feet on BC2. Then again, having a shitball graphics card when I first started surely didn't help at all. But whenever I do go onto MW2 I beat the hell out of people better than before.

If you ever play the Almacata(sp) Desert map with some friends I highly suggest launching quads halfway across the map. Some friends and I went on to an empty server that only plays that map, had 5 engineers drop anti-tank mines behind a quad with an assault guy to keep them stocked, and blew up the mines with a grenade to send the quad and driver (so long as they don't put their own mines down) from the spawn point to the center of the map. Good times for when the SRS BSNS players are gettin you down.

We got the humvee to go decently, and the tanks don't fly too well. The chopper made a nifty maneuver, but the quad is by far the best vehicle to be launched. Especially after the first explosion makes a huge crater in the ground for better thrust.

As far as the card goes, I was a bit overzealous in wanting it installed so I forgot to clean all of my old irrelevant graphics drivers off of my hard drive before trying to install the latest driver package. In short, after realizing I couldn't access the Control Center again I ended up having to wipe all of that crap off the disk before it worked properly. Just a heads up.
I must prefer the Battlefield approach - makes me feel like a human being, rather than a programmable super soldier. I enjoy being a super soldier but only when I'm supposed to be one.
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Old 03-24-2010, 06:40 PM   #3340 (permalink)
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I purchased Metro 2033, cause everything i've read and the videos i watched convinced me.

As soon as i get money i'll go for L4D2. (and team with standardman in zombie carnage)

Just Cause 2 doesnt convince me. I'll wait.
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