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Old 09-30-2010, 08:43 AM   #4471 (permalink)
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OK, I wanted to play each of the three characters to the end of the storyline til I commented, now that I have I feel fine saying fucking boo.

Why would you strip down and simplify the skill trees, especially when there are only three classes. The thing that makes Diablo II replayable to me is, not only are there 7 different classes, but a good amount of variety within each class. I've spent plenty of time trying different builds, like seeing if I could get away with only summoning as the necromancer, or maxing out being a werebear, or being a martial arts master assasin. Torchlight's classes only have like two different builds, and when I noticed that so many skills were universal between the three, that pissed me off, what a fucking cop-out.

I do like some of the innovations that are different from Diablo (being able to knock gems out of sockets, everyone can cast some basic spells, enchanting items, the pets cool, though I wish they were permanently alterable, instead of having them just shapeshift for a few minutes) and it looks very good, but I give it a C, good enough to take some of my attention while I'm listening to the latest KATG episode, but it'll probably stay unplayed for awhile.

AND I just got Dead Rising 2 and played for a couple hours last night. You can make Wolverine hands out of boxing gloves and some knives, epic.
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Old 10-01-2010, 12:58 AM   #4472 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Rawn View Post
Yeah I bought Minecraft a couple of days ago after being roped in by some HoN clan mates. I still don't quite understand how to do things, but I'm having a bunch of fun just digging really deep holes and getting lost in them. I don't like when the sun goes down though.
I just bought the game... and damn... when the sun goes down I'm just freaked out....

On some other notes... a) how do you build a roof? and b) how do I make fire?

bwahah I'm a caveman.

Edit: It's foggy at night and I can see things move in the distance... but nothing is getting close o.o

Last edited by Sheepy; 10-01-2010 at 01:00 AM.
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Old 10-01-2010, 08:19 AM   #4473 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sheepy View Post
I just bought the game... and damn... when the sun goes down I'm just freaked out....

On some other notes... a) how do you build a roof? and b) how do I make fire?

bwahah I'm a caveman.

Edit: It's foggy at night and I can see things move in the distance... but nothing is getting close o.o
I usually build all of my dwellings underground or in mountainsides, which is nice because you don't have to worry about a roof, only doors. If you do want to do a roof though, you could do something simple like I usually do:

It may not be as pretty as what my friend does having a pitched roof, but it works. And you don't need glass -- basic stone would work.

You're definitely going to want torches at the very least -- those are really simple to make: Just a stick with a lump of coal on top. All of the current possible recipes are found here: Crafting - Minepedia - The Minecraft Wiki!

You also want to take a look at smelting: Furnace - Minepedia - The Minecraft Wiki!

Finally, you can adjust the fog by hitting the F key, and it will cycle through different fog distances. Shorter view distance is better for shittier computers.

Oh, and some of my stuff if you're interested, in very artifact-ey JPEGs:

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Old 10-01-2010, 04:34 PM   #4474 (permalink)
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I got FIFA on Weds. I wanted to play it tonight but I'm going to sleep. Totally fucked.

PS. If anyone has anyone questions about Eurogamer or any games I potentially played there, PM me and junk; I'll answer them on a podcast or AudioBoo or something. I probably didn't play the game you want to hear about though.
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Old 10-01-2010, 08:47 PM   #4475 (permalink)
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BattleField: Bad Company 2 on the PS3! Fuck yea!
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Old 10-01-2010, 08:49 PM   #4476 (permalink)
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I'm playing Pick The Thing On Your Forehead Until It Bleeds
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Old 10-01-2010, 09:39 PM   #4477 (permalink)
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World of Tanks.

Really. It's in beta. YOu get to upgrade your tank tech tree, and shoot other WWII tanks.

If you miss driving around tanks from Call of Duty 2/3, then this is for you.
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Old 10-01-2010, 11:00 PM   #4478 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by fluxquanta View Post
I usually build all of my dwellings underground or in mountainsides, which is nice because you don't have to worry about a roof, only doors. If you do want to do a roof though, you could do something simple like I usually do:

It may not be as pretty as what my friend does having a pitched roof, but it works. And you don't need glass -- basic stone would work.

You're definitely going to want torches at the very least -- those are really simple to make: Just a stick with a lump of coal on top. All of the current possible recipes are found here: Crafting - Minepedia - The Minecraft Wiki!

You also want to take a look at smelting: Furnace - Minepedia - The Minecraft Wiki!

Finally, you can adjust the fog by hitting the F key, and it will cycle through different fog distances. Shorter view distance is better for shittier computers.

Oh, and some of my stuff if you're interested, in very artifact-ey JPEGs:
Looks like you have some pretty nifty stuff going on! So far I've made it without torches just because I don't know where to get coal. I've found lots of flint so far but no coal.

Also... I was working my way down a pretty deep hole in my first base which was basically four very tall walls. When I was gonna head back up when a guy appeared in my mine! Jesus Christ that scared the crap out of me!
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Old 10-02-2010, 12:07 AM   #4479 (permalink)
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Anyone wanna talk about Civ V?

Here's my quick quick review:


Here's a slightly more comprehensive review:
-First of all, I started playing Civ with Civ 3 and then played a LOT of Civ 4. I played Civ revolution but it was waaay too watered down for me. When I started Civ V, for the first hour or so I was kind of seemed really similar to Civ 4 (with a lot of graphical improvements...but essentially the same). I have started and abandoned about 10 games, I have finished one game with a domination victory, and am LOVING it. I feel like everything I didnt like about Civ 4 has been changed or fixed...even things I didnt realize COULD be fixed were fixed.

-Combat - Having no unit stacking makes for REALLY nice strategic combat. It's so much fun to attack cities and plan strategic area-attacks where before combat was fucking lame. I will spend a long time trying to decide on unit promotions now where in earlier Civs I would be like "meh...whatever...+10 % strength"

-Navies - Once you advance tech enough, ALL units can cross shallow and then ocean waters. Seems weird at first, but almost ANY naval unit will destroy even the strongest non-naval unit when it is in the water...(non-naval units cannot attack or anything while in the water...just move) I always hated making carriers and stuff to move a unit across one water tile so this is great. If you have a few naval units you are safe from an army attacking you across the water, but if you DONT you can still move a settler in a little rinkydink boat to an island across the way and set up a city....

-Everything else - Being able to buy city tiles, more useful Special people, combat preview readouts, better unit movement control and HEXES INSTEAD OF SQUARES....its all awesome. Some people have complained about the lack of diplomacy-complexity but I am not those people. I never really cared to micromanage my spying and shit in Civ 4....In fact...I found it to be really annoying to be best friends with a Civilization and then suddenly they are like "Give me 1000 gold and the technology to make Nuclear weapons" and you are like " doesnt make sense...I only have like 1010 gold and my dads birthday is coming up and I want to buy him this 15 gold dad-present" and the other civ says "WHAT?!??! This means WAR!!!!" So....yeah, diplomacy isn't great in Civ V but it isnt nearly as retarded as in Civ 4 so stop complaining.

Kinda lost interest halfway through my review. I guess I'd rather be playing the game than writing about it. Thats a good review in itself I guess.
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Old 10-02-2010, 06:51 AM   #4480 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sheepy View Post
Looks like you have some pretty nifty stuff going on! So far I've made it without torches just because I don't know where to get coal. I've found lots of flint so far but no coal.

Also... I was working my way down a pretty deep hole in my first base which was basically four very tall walls. When I was gonna head back up when a guy appeared in my mine! Jesus Christ that scared the crap out of me!
Finding your first few chunks of coal in a new game is usually the hardest. A lot of times you can find it easily if you can get around mountains with sharp faces. A lot of the time those will have coal sticking right out of the side. Either that or you just need to go deeper, but you can only go so deep before needing light, and that's why finding your first bit of coal is the hardest. Once you've got some, you can go way deeper, find more, so on...

And yeah, you'll get creepers and stuff in your mine if you don't put a door and a little hut over it (like my first picture in the previous post).
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