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Old 09-01-2011, 07:02 PM   #5111 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cretaceous Bob View Post
Brink tried less things and did what little it tried to do even worse than Borderlands, so trying to tell people that you didn't like it for any of your stated reasons is what I would categorize as a "joke".
This all started because I said Borderlands sucks single player, and I still stand by that. I admit Brink sucks single player too, so bringing that up really doesn't apply here.

Originally Posted by FletchLives View Post
Holy shit! I admit I bought Brink, but I also took it back after playing it once.
There's your problem. Brink was notoriously worse on consoles than for PC. For what it was (a multiplayer PC shooter that wasn't Counterstrike or Metal of Duty, with some customization and somewhat unique setting), Brink was a lot of fun.

Originally Posted by FletchLives View Post
Edit: Also, Brink had less storyline than doctorsleep's sex life.
See above.

To clarify my Borderlands experience, I bought it the week it came out, played it for about that entire weekend with friends who also bought it, and enjoyed it a lot. I was in grad school, so I didn't have time to play during the week, while my unemployed friends did, so they blew through all the content while I was working and didn't want to play anymore. So I was stuck playing single player, and in comparison that was so dull I just gave up after a couple of hours. Haven't touched it since.

Also, I'd be up for gaming with you fags, maybe.
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:25 PM   #5112 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FletchLives View Post
Eyepet, for people so pathetic only virtual animals don't leave them.
Yes..... and for kids. Fuckhead.
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:41 PM   #5113 (permalink)
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Well...since I revived the Borderlands fight a few pages back I just figured I'd say that I've been playing exclusively with one pal of mine and we are really liking it. We don't play without the oter person though so maybe that has a big impact on our enjoyment.....I think it would get frustrating having to re-do quests or knowing that my companions had already gone thru content that I was seeing for the first I think that A) play with others and B) play with the same people consistently....I know what weapons he has and he knows what I have so we can really be effective and I think that's what makes it fun.

I usually hate the "quest" based gameplay that Borderlands is structured around, but I think the thing that makes me like it is that the action is actually fun. I like FPS so I don't mind going out and shooting people to finish a quest (VS the WOW style of click on this guy and watch your guy attack him).
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Old 09-02-2011, 08:16 AM   #5114 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NZHippo View Post
People are allowed to like whatever games they want. If he liked Brink and not many other people did who gives a shit as long as he had fun. I liked Eyepet deal with it.
You didn't read what the fuck I said. I said all of those criticisms are true of Brink and more than that, so those stated reasons being why he disliked Borderlands isn't true. The implication being that there is more to evaluating the game than some cut and dry objective assessments.

I'm the person here telling the guy telling people their opinions are wrong that people like things for subjective reasons, but you wouldn't know that, seeing as how you choose not to read anything.
Originally Posted by fluxquanta View Post
This all started because I said Borderlands sucks single player, and I still stand by that. I admit Brink sucks single player too, so bringing that up really doesn't apply here.
Yes it does, because Borderlands singleplayer is more fun than Brink multiplayer, and Borderlands singleplayer is worse than Borderlands multiplayer.
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Old 09-02-2011, 09:04 AM   #5115 (permalink)
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I thought Borderlands was alot of fun, multi more then single. My friends and I got it, and after one night of playing together, they never picked it up again so I finished it solo, lame seeing as it wasn't even my idea. I've actually played it alot solo, partially cause I didn't want to bother to buy a new game, and partially due to my RPG nerd need to see what each character and each build can do. Haven't played Brink or any Fallout, so I can't compare.

Playing Bastion now. Eh, pretty generic-RPG. The "adaptive narrative" or whatever they call it, where the narrator actually sorta describes what you're doing seems to be getting a lot of praise, but just seems like a gimmick to me.

And I have From Dust waiting in the wings, I've played it for about an hour. I don't understand why I keep thinking these god games will be fun, so far all I've done is "pick up dirt, set it down to make a bridge or wall." You can do the parting of the Red Sea thing tho, I guess that's kinda neat.
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Old 09-02-2011, 10:35 AM   #5116 (permalink)
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- Deus Ex - Human Revolution. Itrs as close as you can get to the original's greatness with a slight technology boost. which means its a gloriously free form game that shapes around your style of playing and becomes someting different with each style, steakth, rpg, shooter.... and its addictive

- Bastion: yes, youre right MB, it is generic. but also done so well and so polished. the details (graphics, music, the voice over) are great. still it is a usual hack n slash/loot thing, but i like that so i guess im biased.

- From Dust: all i know is that the pc version is so fucked, its unplayable. so boo.
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Old 09-02-2011, 10:42 AM   #5117 (permalink)
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I've never played a game with adaptive narrative. Seems like it would annoy me until I found something that made him say something funny, then I would only do that.
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Old 09-02-2011, 03:03 PM   #5118 (permalink)
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Neverwinter Nights 2 - Awesome PC RPG goodness, my current guilty pleasure is hiding away with my laptop and trying to become the greatest wizard in Neverwinter.

Call of Duty Black Ops: I'm trying to really play this out because when Battlefield 3 drops, this game will not get played again.
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Old 09-02-2011, 03:15 PM   #5119 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FletchLives View Post
I've never played a game with adaptive narrative. Seems like it would annoy me until I found something that made him say something funny, then I would only do that.
its not like that, its mostly like having your own voice over while you play. its easier to be heard than explained, i think

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Old 09-02-2011, 04:21 PM   #5120 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cretaceous Bob View Post
You didn't read what the fuck I said. I said all of those criticisms are true of Brink and more than that, so those stated reasons being why he disliked Borderlands isn't true. The implication being that there is more to evaluating the game than some cut and dry objective assessments.

I'm the person here telling the guy telling people their opinions are wrong that people like things for subjective reasons, but you wouldn't know that, seeing as how you choose not to read anything.
I did read what you said but perhaps my feeble mind just couldn't comprehend your sparkly gems of wisdom. At the end of the day it still just seems like people want to tell others what they can and can't have fun with which is bullshit as people enjoy different things. My wife plays these weenie facebook games so dull I can't even stand watching her play for more than five minutes but she enjoys it and on the flip side she can't understand the fun of me hacking up some mythological creatures in God of War.

I guess you can argue the technical aspects of games but surely whether someone ultimately enjoys is up to the player.
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