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Old 09-21-2011, 01:01 PM   #5151 (permalink)
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I tend to play a heavily tweaked, modded, and cheatified version of Oblivion when I listen to the show. I need something visual and/or interactive to do when I listen to something long, but since I started doing show notes, it can't be anything too distracting or that I can't immediately put on hold to take a note. So I play Oblivion with the sound off, ignore most of the text in the game, and find I like it much more than before. A million dollar budget and you hire three fucking voice actors.
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Old 09-21-2011, 01:02 PM   #5152 (permalink)
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Well like I said, I haven't played Battlefield more than a couple times and never online. So, I can't speak to that.
But as for CoD, I love that people use all the unrealistic game exploitations. It's so much more gratifying for me when I stomp them. "Oh you wanna camp? Ok bitch, camp this tomahawk in yo face!!"
I almost never see spawn camping in CoD. With individually separate rotating spawns, it's pretty rare.
Basically everything you do in CoD can be countered by skill, and in some cases, luck.
I would say I'll check out Battlefield 3 but it comes out just a couple weeks before MW3, right? So I'll stick with what I know.
Since we're on the FPS topic, I just want to say that I had Medal of Honor, the one that came out in 2010, and it was extremely well functioning. Not as pretty as CoD or BF though
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Old 09-21-2011, 02:50 PM   #5153 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FletchLives View Post
Well like I said, I haven't played Battlefield more than a couple times and never online. So, I can't speak to that.
But as for CoD, I love that people use all the unrealistic game exploitations. It's so much more gratifying for me when I stomp them. "Oh you wanna camp? Ok bitch, camp this tomahawk in yo face!!"
I almost never see spawn camping in CoD. With individually separate rotating spawns, it's pretty rare.
I'm not talking about camping spawns, you can't do that. But you do have to be aware of where the spawns are, so that you can watch them. Because if you don't watch them, people spawn there and shoot you in the back. I can't tell you how many times in MW2 my team cleared a section of the map of entrenched enemies, only to end up watching the killcam seeing them spawn directly behind me and shoot me in the back because the maps are so fucking small randomized spawns still put enemies in my lap.

Exploiting spawns involves hiding in a corridor with two entranceways where you know there are no spawns and you cover each entrance with SPASes and have enough cover to make grenades very hard to reach you.
Originally Posted by FletchLives View Post
Basically everything you do in CoD can be countered by skill, and in some cases, luck.
Really? See, the FPSes I grew up with taught me that the ultimate test of skill is two people enter a map with the same weapons and they shoot at each other until one dies more than the other. Skill was never skill at hiding from predator missiles that my dickshit teammates handed to the enemy team.

Skill was never hiding in buildings because your noob ass teammates have caused the entire exterior to be an inferno of ordnance. Skill is blowing a fucking hole in the side of the wall where some pussy is hiding from tanks and explosions, force feeding his cowering ass liberal portions of your clip, then charging upstairs to knife his sniper pal.

Skill is running around in a modern weapons game with a M1 Garand and wiring buildings that look at you funny and have a nasty habit of developing campers in their windows with enough C4 to ensure nobody has anything but a pile of rubble to hide from your Garand bullets.
Originally Posted by FletchLives View Post
I would say I'll check out Battlefield 3 but it comes out just a couple weeks before MW3, right? So I'll stick with what I know.
Since we're on the FPS topic, I just want to say that I had Medal of Honor, the one that came out in 2010, and it was extremely well functioning. Not as pretty as CoD or BF though
You'll play MoH but not BF? MoH was just a raped and ravaged BF. Play the real thing.
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Old 09-21-2011, 02:53 PM   #5154 (permalink)
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have you seen the new bf, bob?

they were showing a playable demo in a london's HMV and i am impressed at how much they pushed the next gen console hardware. it looked perfect.
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Old 09-21-2011, 03:12 PM   #5155 (permalink)
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I haven't been paying too much attention to how the game looks, mostly on account of they were mostly just showing PC and PS3 footage for awhile (not systems I will be playing it on, or at least not to full fidelity), but I saw the trailer they put out a few weeks ago of 360 footage, and it's one of the best looking games I've seen for the system. BC2 had some rough screen tearing and aliasing; honestly, I'd be happy if BF3 looked the same but fixed those two things. Anything better is gravy.

I tend to ignore media about games I know I'm going to play because I'd rather just be surprised when I inevitably play it. Well, except for stuff like Skyrim. I can't help myself.
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Old 09-21-2011, 03:54 PM   #5156 (permalink)
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Your logic is pretty flawed Bob. It doesn't take skill to play CoD, because you die from tings? Yet blowing holes in walls and planting explosives everywhere is totally cool?
Oh waaahhh you got shot in the back because all the guys in front of you are dead. It's called turning around.
Basically, everything you said against Call of Duty has to do with either you dying, or someone camping.
I don't die much on CoD, and campers are free kills for me.
Also, I don't understand how you avoid people spawning behind you on a game with respawn. They have to spawn somewhere, and the furthest away they can get is the opposite side from where you are. Just be alert.
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Old 09-21-2011, 04:00 PM   #5157 (permalink)
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let me grab popcorn
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Old 09-21-2011, 05:22 PM   #5158 (permalink)
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I've played the last few Call of Dutys and both Bad Company games and I definitely prefer battlefield overall. The huge maps, the vehicles and the distinct classes means you have such a huge variety of ways to play the game. Maybe I'm just no good at COD but I like how in Battlefield you are not always dying every minute (unless maybe the other team is base raping etc) and the game encourages you to work together as a squad and a team. Even playing on PS3 with only 24 players the battles can be really epic - I could easily just watch as a spectator and be entertained.
I don't hate Call of Duty and I do buy the Treyarch games for the excellent zombie mode but I don't think I will bother getting Modern Warfare 3 as I'm pretty sure Battlefield 3 will be sucking up all my gaming time (then Uncharted 3).
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Old 09-21-2011, 06:43 PM   #5159 (permalink)
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ive played BF and CoD, I like CoD for an easy and quick game. jump in, pwn noobs, quit out when my kids wake up.
BF is what my gaming clan plays. when we get a few squads up its pretty much fun, even if we dont win. i can fly heli's and jets, really miss jets in BC2. no, you arent dying every minute in BF, but you get to run for 3 minutes from spawn to a position, then get sniped =)

i hate, hate, HATE how EA doesnt fix their shit.
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Old 09-22-2011, 08:57 AM   #5160 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FletchLives View Post
Your logic is pretty flawed Bob. It doesn't take skill to play CoD, because you die from tings? Yet blowing holes in walls and planting explosives everywhere is totally cool?
Okay, listen to me, because saying it twice hasn't gotten to you:

SCENARIO 1: I die because my teammates sucked so bad they gave the enemy more powerful weapons than I had

SCENARIO 2: I die because I came across a dude who had the same shit as me, but was better using it

In scenario 2, I can win by being better at shooting. In scenario 1, it doesn't matter how good I am at shooting, I can still get killed by a predator drone. I cannot tell you how many times I had kills stolen from me in MW2 because some fucking guy I'd killed three times already killed me with a kill streak while I was shooting his teammate in the face.

Now unless you do the following, you are acknowledging that everything you say is wrong and all of your opinions are clownshoes: tell me how to avoid being killed by the predator drone my shit ass teammates handed the enemy, and then continue to try to tell me that doing whatever that is makes you feel like a badass.
Originally Posted by FletchLives View Post
Oh waaahhh you got shot in the back because all the guys in front of you are dead. It's called turning around.
I don't know what fucking games you play, but I don't think anybody should spawn 50 ft directly behind someone with a clear line of sight right after that guy just got done killing them and is in the process of ensuring there are no other dickshits in that area.
Originally Posted by FletchLives View Post
Basically, everything you said against Call of Duty has to do with either you dying, or someone camping.
I don't die much on CoD, and campers are free kills for me.
I didn't die much, I played with people who were really good at the game and won more than I lost. I still have a positive KDR on there. You seem to be exceedingly bad at reading.

I've never told you that I had a problem dealing with campers, I'm fucking telling you a game that encourages me to camp. It is easiest to avoid airstrikes and track spawns by camping.
Originally Posted by FletchLives View Post
Also, I don't understand how you avoid people spawning behind you on a game with respawn. They have to spawn somewhere, and the furthest away they can get is the opposite side from where you are. Just be alert.
For someone telling me how CoD works, you seem pretty fucking unfamiliar with the game. Maybe you should tell me how long you've been playing CoD?

Again, you have no idea what I'm saying. I'm saying the problem with CoD is that you have to be alert to the spawn locations rather than clearing an area of enemies intuitively. You have to be prepared for them to appear from thin air. It was advantageous to learn every spawn location and watch the close ones vigilantly because you had to prevent noobs from getting free kills and could scoop up free kills on people of any skill level.

The thing that I am telling you is that killstreaks, deathstreaks, small maps with tight spawns, and incentives to camp all enable anybody to get free kills. That's why CoD is the most popular FPS of all time: because anybody can experience success. Instead of Cretaceous Bob buttfucking you repeatedly with underpowered guns just to humiliate you, you can just run away from him and kill his shitty teammates until you can hide in a corner and fire a missile at him from the sky. And it's not like predator drones are hard to avoid, but it's fucking bullshit they even get that chance.

You're trying to tell me I don't like CoD because I was bad at it, but that's an assumption on your part because you can't address the legitimate design flaws I'm pointing out. I realized I fucking hated what MW2 had done to the shooter when I was sitting in a corridor with a friend in a corridor with SPASes killing anybody we saw with a single shot, while taking turns calling in air strikes (air strikes specifically chosen to stack up more air strikes, by the way). That wasn't fucking skill. That wasn't badass. That isn't fun. It feels cheap and shitty. It felt like the game was handing me kills.

In Battlefield, you deserve every kill and you deserve every death, because skill at shooting your gun and playing as a team is the beginning and the end of determining score, and is a primary dictation of success for you as a player.

Last edited by Cretaceous Bob; 09-22-2011 at 09:05 AM.
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