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View Poll Results: Are you sick of the DRAMA?
Yes...Take it to PM...It brings me down 67 50.38%
No...I love my daily Soap Opera 66 49.62%
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Old 04-30-2008, 01:20 PM   #61 (permalink)
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I have been in a few scuffles here and there on here and I have always been able to come back and share some words afterwards and make friends ( ie Matt B ). Remember when you didn't have to like each other (sound familiar), so if you can't stand someone... fine, make your hateful thing known just don't take over a whole thread topic while doing it.
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Old 04-30-2008, 01:31 PM   #62 (permalink)
kelliheartsKATG's Avatar
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i don't like to see KATG fans fight with each other, but i think people take internet stuff to seriously.

it's funny when i see people get upset over a mis-read of a post. things you want to say don't always translate well when they are typed-out and if someone interprets it wrong, things can get out of control, fast.

i also think there is a bit of exclusivity with some forum regulars that creates antagonistic responses. in some ways, it discourages people from being more active or going to live events and meet-ups. (like that one guy wrote in about) or conversely, i guess it also encourages others to go to these things so they can be more a part of the group.

and finally, i think people get too carried away with the transition from listener, to forum follower, to keith and chemda real-life bff. once you cross the threshold and become a part of the show (in any way big or small) you need to expect the more anonymous folks to treat you like a character and not a real person. the transition back to defending yourself on the forums like a normal person is a futile effort. remember, "it's just the internet"
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Old 04-30-2008, 01:54 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by spooky View Post
You go too far sir!

Who the fuck likes soap operas? I felt of the two choices not watching soaps was the better choice...

Who gives a fuck about a thread anyway? Make a new one and get on with gabbing...
SNA should just get on twitter so they can post from their mobile phones every second as well.
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Old 04-30-2008, 02:13 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by kelliheartsKATG View Post

i also think there is a bit of exclusivity with some forum regulars that creates antagonistic responses. in some ways, it discourages people from being more active or going to live events and meet-ups. (like that one guy wrote in about) or conversely, i guess it also encourages others to go to these things so they can be more a part of the group.
I think that's too bad. I hope I did a good enough job of being open to whomever wanted to talk to me during the april 15 week (see Alex/Lucifer Standard for reference).

For everyone that might feel like that, honestly, 99% of the forums feelings are dropped within seconds of meeting a person. I'm pretty sure I wasn't going to like Bebe or Jorjo because of he stuff I had seem them post, but when they sat down next to me at Dino bbq, I immediately thought "am I really gonna be that asshole and not talk to them? No. Wtf."

I was hoping to meet a lot more fans that weren't even on the forums, in person, but I didn't see too many.

You make some valid points all around Kelli. Too bad you're a girl and therefore have lower intelligence and I won't really consider anything you have to sayOMGDRAMA!!

On another note, I am not a debatey kind of person. Partially because I don't feel knowledgable in any subject to defend it with any validity. Also, I don't care to. I'm not looking to have my views challenged, or to expand my mind or anything. I'm fine being somewhat retarted.

So what I do when I see serious debate threads: ignore them. If, for some reason, something seems interesting enough to read, I do just that. If, for some even stranger reason, I feel like it's something I can add to in an intellegant way, I do so, in the best way I know how. I don't make cutesy comments, or do things to derail athread that people are actually serious about. That's usually where "drama" begins.

I try and keep all of my LoLing in the LoLable threads; none that will really bother people if they get derailed. Like Bebe said, it's self-editing. Or something like that.
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Don't do bad stuff.
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Old 04-30-2008, 02:36 PM   #65 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Newsy View Post
I think that's too bad. I hope I did a good enough job of being open to whomever wanted to talk to me during the april 15 week (see Alex/Lucifer Standard for reference).

For everyone that might feel like that, honestly, 99% of the forums feelings are dropped within seconds of meeting a person. I'm pretty sure I wasn't going to like Bebe or Jorjo because of he stuff I had seem them post, but when they sat down next to me at Dino bbq, I immediately thought "am I really gonna be that asshole and not talk to them? No. Wtf."

I was hoping to meet a lot more fans that weren't even on the forums, in person, but I didn't see too many.

You make some valid points all around Kelli. Too bad you're a girl and therefore have lower intelligence and I won't really consider anything you have to sayOMGDRAMA!!

On another note, I am not a debatey kind of person. Partially because I don't feel knowledgable in any subject to defend it with any validity. Also, I don't care to. I'm not looking to have my views challenged, or to expand my mind or anything. I'm fine being somewhat retarted.

So what I do when I see serious debate threads: ignore them. If, for some reason, something seems interesting enough to read, I do just that. If, for some even stranger reason, I feel like it's something I can add to in an intellegant way, I do so, in the best way I know how. I don't make cutesy comments, or do things to derail athread that people are actually serious about. That's usually where "drama" begins.

I try and keep all of my LoLing in the LoLable threads; none that will really bother people if they get derailed. Like Bebe said, it's self-editing. Or something like that.
SNAP!! I didn't hate you either

And ... in the interests of staying on topic ... I kinda like drama. I've been fighting (so far successfully) against commenting in the Rye vs Mikey threads seeing as how that issue is a little close to home. Plus I'm sure I'd like drama less if it personally involved me (oops - double standard ). Generally speaking though, it does provide a certain degree of entertainment.

I think I'd like forums a lot less if it was a) all serious debate, or b) all rainbows and unicorns.

Drama eventually goes away as people tire of it and stop posting and if anything really bad happens it can be deleted.

Some may disagree, but I think I've been pretty good about not thread-jacking lately. Sometimes conversations start up that may last a few posts but, unless it's on a thread where I think the OP won't mind, I do try to reign it in
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Old 04-30-2008, 02:39 PM   #66 (permalink)
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I have no vote since I don't know a fig about 99% of what goes down on here, but when it pops off and it's semi entertaining, Thank you for being Degrassi High: Next Generation up in here.

Everyone I met from the forums this past 15th that I intended to meet was lovely. The rest of you are delightful I'm sure. I'll work on ya'll next year.

In the meantime drama on....All the Internets a stage.

Last edited by Patrice; 04-30-2008 at 02:46 PM.
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Old 04-30-2008, 04:34 PM   #67 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by kelliheartsKATG View Post
i think people take internet stuff to seriously.
Not trying to sound nearly as elitist/douchebaggy as this is going to come out, but:

Once you get a few hundred posts and go to a few meetups and make real friends in the katg world, it's no longer "internet stuff." It's talking with actual friends (and sometimes foes) via the internet.
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Old 04-30-2008, 04:49 PM   #68 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by i_like_cheese_2001 View Post
Not trying to sound nearly as elitist/douchebaggy as this is going to come out, but:

Once you get a few hundred posts and go to a few meetups and make real friends in the katg world, it's no longer "internet stuff." It's talking with actual friends (and sometimes foes) via the internet.
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Old 04-30-2008, 06:05 PM   #69 (permalink)
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the good ol days are back, everyone bitchin aboot how they hate said thread but continue to post and talk aboot it......

I would luv to meet you. you seem to be so mature not responding to me, ohh shit wait thats not why, its cause your a bitch, sorry my mistake I forgot for a second.
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Old 04-30-2008, 06:11 PM   #70 (permalink)
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Why are people complaining about other people letting out their persinal issues online? It is other people fighting has nothing to do with you. Even in real life you do not step in between 2 of your friends fighting (for those that are being babies about it). I say drama is good is entertaining I myself have had a few "fights" online and I love them. You don't have to read everything on the forums.

Everything is not about you. Everything is not for you.

Is it me or those it seem like the people mostly complaining are females or mexicans?
KATG Tattoo #69
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