Played a little of Starcraft 2 this evening. At first I was like, "Oh, so this is a mildly prettier Starcraft" of course knowing that all my graphical settings were set to low, since my laptop is shit for games. So, I bumped them up to medium just to see, and wow. That game has some seriously cool graphical touches. Really makes me wanna build that gaming pc after all so I can really enjoy this game when it comes out. As far as any new stuff that really stood out to me, this game would be good if it had been the exact same as the first one I think. However, there is some cool little touches that I don't think were in the first game that will probably just make the multiplayer that much more complex and intimidating for a non-Korean like myself. Anyway, it looks awesome and I really want to play the single player. The story in the first one was great.