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Old 05-21-2010, 06:54 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bucho View Post
Is it really such a long story? You were married and you had a boyfriend too? I'm not here to judge, I just think you have a good story in there somewhere and you're definitely in the right place to tell it.
Well, yeah. Of course that's the basic gist of it. I just had to get to work and I didn't feel like typing out the whole thing.

So, here goes.
I was with my husband for just under 10 years. I started dating him when I was 19 and we got married when I was 23 (I'm 29 now). About a year into the marriage, shit got BAD. I think we slept together a total of 5 times during the marriage, and it lasted 5 years. For real. The last 2 years of the marriage was completely sex free, but I was a loyal wife and didn't stray. During those final two years, though, my feelings toward the hus drastically changed. I wasn't in love with him. I sat on those feelings for a year, keeping it to myself. Around January of 2009, I couldn't handle it anymore. Nothing was getting better, and I knew it wouldn't unless I said something. So I told him I wasn't in love with him anymore. There were tears and begging and blah blah blah, and then............nothing changed. So a few weeks later, we had the conversation again. Tears, bullshit, wah wah waaaahhhhh, and then nothing. The conversations started happening more frequently, and nothing ever changed. I suggested going to marriage counseling, and he fucking laughed in my face at the mere suggestion.

Cut to October. One of the chicks on my roller derby team was going to a wedding out of town. She asked me to be her "date", and of course I agreed. The hus and I were fighting every day, and I needed to get the hell away from him. So I went and had a kick ass time at the wedding. I got HAMMERED at the reception. There was some buzz about the reception moving to a bar, so my friend and I went to this bar to drink more. While we were at the bar, I got up to get a beer, and this handsome boy was standing right in front of me. He introduced himself, we got to talking, and hit. it. off. We talked for the rest of the night until they were kicking us out of the bar, and we took him back to our hotel room with us. Things happened. He and I exchanged numbers the next morning, and it was back home with me.

I just kinda chalked up what happened as drunken shenannigans, and honestly had no intention of contacting this random dude who lives 7 hours and 4 states away, but I just couldn't stop thinking about him. He found me on Facebook, and we chatted a few times on there, and a couple days later, I called him. I tried to hide the communication from my husband, but I am a terrible liar, so I told him about the other guy. He flipped his shit, went completely crazy and started punching everything he could (not me). He made me promise that I wouldn't speak to the guy again, and I sheepishly agreed. Then, the next day, everything was fine. It was like nothing ever happened. Like I hadn't told him that I had a threesome with my friend and a strange dude who I was still speaking to. A couple days passed, of course I was still talking to the other guy, and I told my hus that the communication hadn't stopped. There was another outburst, the other guy found out I was married (yeah, did I forget to mention that I didn't tell him that?), and then the next day EVERYTHING WAS FINE WITH THE HUSBAND AGAIN! WTF? So, I layed it down to the hus. I told him I was not in love with him and that I had no intention of continuing our sham of a marriage. He begged and pleaded, even saying he would now go to counseling, but I refused. He moved out of our house the next day, and that was it.

As far as the boyfriend goes, we saw each other nearly every other weekend from November to March. Long distance relationships are hard as hell, and it got too much to bear. I am crazy in love with him, and we still speak fairly often. I have been on a few dates since the breakup, but no one really compares to him, and I can't get him off of my mind. I really don't feel like getting into the whole fucked up mess of our relationship, because it will seriously take up an additional 8 paragraphs, but I want to be with him and he says he still wants to be with me. I am going to visit him for the first time in 2 months next weekend. We'll see if I get my heart completely ripped out.

Told you it was a long story, and that seriously is the short version. FuckMyLife
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