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Old 06-06-2010, 11:04 AM   #3766 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cretaceous Bob View Post
If a company like that sets off your "Let's Rant About the Evil Corporations Fucking the Fans" trigger, your subsequent frothing at the mouth obviously wasn't caused by any particular external stimulus.
Activision doesn't count as an external stimulus? Its not SO crazy to think being owned by arguably the greediest publisher in Video game history could have an affect on whether or not Starcraft 2 will actually pack 180$ worth of content for a dedicated fan base of the most internationally beloved Strategy Sim game ever made.

All three "chunks" of this game have not been released yet and until then, I will remain skeptical. Im skeptical of any Activision product, and I will be for a while. I think fearing evil corporations is a good thing, as long as you dont remain willfully ignorant when they prove you wrong or change their ways. I don't mind being wrong as much as I mind being ripped off.

Speaking of evil corporations, does anyone still shop at gamestop? Their used market is such a fucking racket and I been on a boycott for a while now. Pay you 10 store credits for a used game and sell that exact copy for 35$.

I use Playswitch for my used game selling/trading. Compared to gamestop its like adding lube to anal sex.
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