Thread: 6: The Hound
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Old 10-06-2012, 01:55 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Thumbs up Exposed and Cleansed - Totally Compelling

I have been listening for over a year now and have never posted on the forums. 'The Hound' is so amazing that I have to stop being shy and say thank you!

The perfect episode!

Listening in on such an intimate conversation while trying to shop for clothes was a crazy experience. I had to stop what I was doing to sit down and listen. At the end of the episode, I felt totally cleansed and relieved.

I have been in Myka's shoes. I started feeling so exposed on her behalf. She works so hard not to be vulnerable.

I used to do that. I tried not dating at all because I, like Myka, didn't have the best options available to me. But that turned into an accidental three years of being single and celibate. Finally, getting so bored and horny that I start dating guys who still make me cringe to this day. Ugh. Lets just say I broke up with one of them because he invited me to a Celine Dion concert. I thought to myself, "How did I get here? Am I dating gay guys now? Hey, come to think of it, didn't Myka used to joke about Myq's sexuality? Anyway...

Great job Keith and Myka! Totally compelling!

Listening in on such an intimate conversation while trying to shop for clothes was a crazy experience. I had to stop what I was doing to sit down and listen. At the end of the episode, I felt totally cleansed and relieved.
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