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Old 10-30-2012, 07:06 PM   #16 (permalink)
incognegro13x's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Midwest
Posts: 89
I am sorry to hear about the scam situation, but you have to hold your head up high and realize that you made it out better than most people. Some get taken for upwards of $10K. I find it complete bullshit that they closed your bank account as technically you didn't lose the money and similar scams affect good percentage of their customer base. I find it hard to believe that they do this for all of their customers as their fractional reserve would be impacted.

On a related note I am possibly on the Nigerian scammers & check scammers blacklist because I fuck with them so bad. If they ever want your address to send you a check, just have them make it out to a ficticious name and have them keep sending the check paying the postage stating you didn't receive it. I am looking at a check made out to "Clark Kent", "Bruce Wayne", Tupac Shakur", and "Michael Jackson". The easiest way to piss them off is if they want you to send them a tangible item like a laptop, ipod/iphone and so on to Nigeria, Russia or any country that has zero recourse. When you send an item to any of these countries it requires you fill out a customs declaration slip for the value amount of the parcel. The reason behind this is because THEIR government requires them to pay taxes upfront on the parcel when they receive it. Therefore, I send them a book, papers, ect..... and place the value anywhere between $3K-$10K. Normally in 2 weeks you are met with delightful blend of broken English curse words. Great stuff.
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