You guys really are amazing! Thanks so much for taking the time to say something.
Booze and drugs are only doing so much right now. I smoke a good amount of pot and it doesn’t seem to affect me at all anymore. Maybe I need to find better stuff. I’m a little nervous about drinking too much, partly because of not trusting myself with my phone and partly because of not trusting myself with myself. My emotional acting-out while I’m drunk usually occurs in one of two ways – trying to fight blonde girls (only blondes for some reason) or going home with someone when I never would have if I was even half sober. I think if I get too drunk right now, I’ll probably end up in bed with some blonde dude who I’ll punch while we’re getting it on.
Scumhook, I know what I did wrong. I loved him TOO much. He just couldn’t handle it. And the kid knows what a fuck-up she is. She’s already practicing her stripper routine.
I just deleted his number from my phone! Now I can keep my phone with me while I drink!
Adamus, I’m so glad to hear how well you’re doing! Even when you were talking about going through it, I thought you sounded like you had the type of strong character that perseveres. Good job, sir.