I didn't think anyone was out of line. I think, as others have said, she should have known what kind of show she was going to be on. I think Keith said, "can I ask about the surgery," and she said yes, so he asked. She said she didn't want to talk about it, and Keith (I thought) took it well and moved on. She has no obligation to talk about anything she doesn't want to talk about, and Keith had no obligation to tiptoe around it, and when she said she didn't want to talk about it he didn't push it.
I didn't think she was a horrible guest but I guess I wasn't listening with that mindset. I thought she stood her ground on what she did and didn't want to talk about, and that's okay. Better to do that than to pull a whatever-her-name-was and ask to get the show taken down months after it's aired because you realized you said something you didn't want to share. It sounds like she didn't mention the first wife by name in the movie for a reason, so I understand it being a subject she doesn't want to get into on a podcast.
I do agree with the other comments saying she could have done a little research before coming on... it seems like she didn't know the first thing about the podcast or who Keith and Chemda are. I would have absolutely done some research before coming on a podcast I didn't know anything about, particularly if there were certain subjects I knew I didn't want to talk about. This could have gone a lot worse for her if Keith and Chemda weren't decent people.
All that being said.. I don't think Keith was wrong to ask, and I don't think Julia was wrong to stand by what she does and doesn't want to talk about. And I liked the wrap up with Chemda at the end.