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Old 02-09-2009, 10:15 AM   #11 (permalink)
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like sokkratez, i'm in that similar rut.
having a routine but never really setting to it is the rut i'm in...and just looking around and seeing what 8 years on saxophone has really gotten me (yes, somewhere but not really anywhere...therefore: nowhere)

sucks balls, but i'm trying to see what i can do to get out...
(although i do wish i got laid...just referring back to cubby bear,he's my fave asian)

Last edited by roxymodest; 02-09-2009 at 10:15 AM. Reason: an extra space where it's not suppose to be :D
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Old 02-10-2009, 07:13 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ElleJ View Post
Because you're a lazy effer, and you already realize that being a lazy fuck isn't going to help you ever become the person you want to be? Because you know deep down that you'll never accomplish all that you want to achieve? Because you've watched people around you, who you know are nowhere near as smart or talented reach a level that you just know in your soul that you should reach before them?

Yeah, me too. A year ago.

So here's my advice. Leave an industry and a job that you love, with a boss and coworkers you adore, but realize won't ever let you reach your full potential, move 6 hours away to do something completely unknown in an area you've visited just once for a few hours on an interview...

Then watch with your jaw on the freaking floor at how much such a simple thing can totally transform your life. How a job you thought was way too easy, for a company you respect but don't know much about, can motivate you in a way that makes you realize you don't have to sacrifice your life to in order to be noticed, and just be in awe at how often recognition is given to you and your talents...

If that isn't motivation, I don't know what is. I spent years making excuses, like "I love my boss! And my coworkers are some of my best friends! I can't walk away from that" Yes, yes you can. Do it.

No matter how many excuses you make, if you don't take action you can't complain.

At least not with any dignity or self-respect.

If you don't take any advice, and take action to change the things that you can, then you deserve every single failure that comes to you. And that's not just insults, I wholeheartedly believe that, with all of my being.

(How was that? Did I do good? Of course I did, I can say that with dignity)
Bloody hell! That motivated me to get off me fucking bum! Nice! Elle FTW!
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