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View Poll Results: Josh Latta is
a good guy. 107 72.30%
a piece of shit. 41 27.70%
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Old 11-16-2011, 05:10 PM   #31 (permalink)
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You know.

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Old 11-16-2011, 05:54 PM   #32 (permalink)
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There's a difference between having different interests and not speaking to the other person or being interested in them or their life at all.

I don't always buy the "if you're worried about X than you should/shouldn't be worried" Just because you worry about something doesn't automatically incriminate or exonerate you. Take a spot check: do you like your significant other? Do you think that they are cool/fun/hot/awesome? Chances are, if you answered yes, you're making mountains out of mole hills.
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Old 11-16-2011, 06:47 PM   #33 (permalink)
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No pics of the new flame?
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Old 11-16-2011, 06:57 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cybersoulja View Post
The guy's marriage before his divorce sounds like my marriage, except I have kids involved. I met my wife when she already had a kid, married her when she got pregnant with my firstborn. Yes, I know, my fault. I was young. I feel like I'm in that position now. I'm comfortable, but unhappy. I'm not attracted to her anymore, I'm tired of step-parenting and I regret not having my firstborn with a woman with no kids. Sometimes I feel like because my step-son is older, we're kind of rushing my daughter to grow up. So we fight over things like that. Long story short, I want out, but everytime I try to get out she convinces me to stay. I also am not that social of a person, I'd rather spend the night on the Xbox or learning programming on my laptop than watch TV with her. I guess I'm screwed.
Holy shit... that's crazy dog.
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Old 11-16-2011, 07:33 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Can't listen

But thanks for the outline. Is a public forum really the best place to share? Because, if it is, I'll share, just hitting the highlights:
I wanted to leave Josh a long time ago but stuck it out. So glad he and Erin finally did me the favor. My error was thinking it could all get turned around with a little mutual effort. I met him when he was on a real high with a positive attitude. He was making - wait for it - $16K a year! Down to about $6K last year. How can that be when he's so talented, you ask? Because outside of avatards, all he did was spend time flirting on the internet with other women - oh I mean 17 yr old KATG listeners. I now have sex at least twice a day with my new boyfriend, a house to myself with lots of cool toys, $ in the bank, and karma on my side. Just the facts, folks. And I'll be getting back to my life now, making the most of what I've learned and forgetting the bullshit, good night.

Last edited by Karma Queen; 11-16-2011 at 09:01 PM.
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Old 11-16-2011, 07:35 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Medium Brumski View Post
That was crazy. I don't really get how you could date, let alone marry, someone who just straight up isn't into sex. Did Josh feel, at that point in his life anyway, that sex just wasn't that important? His story would make more sense if his wife started to systematically shut him down in like the first year of their marriage, but when he said 4-5 times total my jaw hit the floor.

Also, I thought it would be funny if in a couple years we hear about how Latta's ex found some new guy that she's super in to, and now is just a crazy sexual animal.
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Old 11-16-2011, 07:47 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Karma Queen View Post
But thanks for the outline. Is a public forum really the best place to share? Because, if it is, I'll share, just hitting the highlights:
I wanted to leave Josh a long time ago but stuck it out. So glad he and Erin finally did me the favor. My error was thinking it could all get turned around with a little mutual effort. I met him when he was on a real high. He was making - wait for it - $16K a year! Down to about $6K last year. How can that be when he's so talented, you ask? Because outside of avatards, all he did was spend time flirting on the internet with other women - oh I mean 17 yr old KATG listeners. I now have sex at least twice a day with my new boyfriend, a house to myself with lots of cool toys, $ in the bank, and karma on my side. Just the facts, folks. And I'll be getting back to my life now, making the most of what I've learned and forgetting the bullshit, good night.
Neither here nor there but since you're sharing, what was wrong with your vagina and how did you fix it?
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Old 11-16-2011, 08:57 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rodimusprime View Post
Neither here nor there but since you're sharing, what was wrong with your vagina and how did you fix it?
Thank you, it would be nice to think the public airing of this might be productive! I wish I had something helpful to offer those who are "medically interesting" but I really don't. I went into it expecting some pain, and it just isn't there anymore. Maybe it was cleared up by my recent visit to my clairvoyant healer, she said it was past life trauma. A lot of former doctors didn't offer much, and I saw a doctor recently who seemed more supportive - but I don't think it's an issue anymore. Probably it resolved a long time ago, but there was too much stress, not enough connection or respect, it's all pretty clear in hindsight, right? You get what you give? Clearly Josh isn't willing to do ANYTHING for attention, close but not quite.
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Old 11-16-2011, 09:03 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Karma Queen View Post
Thank you, it would be nice to think the public airing of this might be productive! I wish I had something helpful to offer those who are "medically interesting" but I really don't. I went into it expecting some pain, and it just isn't there anymore. Maybe it was cleared up by my recent visit to my clairvoyant healer, she said it was past life trauma. A lot of former doctors didn't offer much, and I saw a doctor recently who seemed more supportive - but I don't think it's an issue anymore. Probably it resolved a long time ago, but there was too much stress, not enough connection or respect, it's all pretty clear in hindsight, right? You get what you give? Clearly Josh isn't willing to do ANYTHING for attention, close but not quite.
Damn... so it wasn't a diet issue? That was sort of what was intimated on the show. I don't know much about past lives or any of that stuff but did you go to the clairvoyant because of the vaginal issues? Were you just exhausted of dealing with doctors who couldn't solve the issue?

I'm just curious. I don't have a vagina myself but I am a huge fan of them as a recreational institution.

Well it sounds like ya'll are both happier now even if you seem somewhat upset with Josh. That shit is to be expected in this case. I don't know if there is a good way to break up a marriage where only one party has decided it's time to move on but who would want to live in a marriage like that any way?
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Old 11-16-2011, 09:31 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Abby View Post
Yee... listening to this made me really insecure. How do you know you are in one of these realtionships before it's too late?!

I mean.... doesn't everyone have problems? Not everyone have things in common with each other...
Tell me about it!
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