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Old 08-02-2010, 07:48 PM   #21 (permalink)
chocobomoshpit's Avatar
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... am I the only one here with the Nexus One?

I jumped from iPhone to it and will never look back. Not planning on rooting it, using LauncherPro Plus with beautiful widgets, Listen for podcasts (which is a little wonky, but more than serviceable). The only things I miss about the iPhone are the keyboard (though, SmartKeyboard is damn near close to being as good), a few of the games, and the battery life.

That said, I really wish more companies wouldn't be afraid of launching a phone without all that custom UI bullshit. Vanilla Android is so customizable, I just feel like anything layered on top is pretty much someone telling you "yeah, you'll probably want this shit, too". Or, at least the option to turn it off.

Also- tethering, native to my phone now. Fucking awesome, but haven't used it once.

I used to make this webcomic.
"I never update!"
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Old 08-03-2010, 01:22 AM   #22 (permalink)
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I've had my Samsung Vibrant (the T-Mobile USA version of the Galaxy S) for 2 weeks now and don't regret it one bit. The screen kicks ass. Like really, more than you can ever understand by looking at pictures of it. You simply have to see one in person.

It is also super easy to root this phone and Samsung doesn't seem to be going out of their way to stop people from rooting.

One of the benefits of the Galaxy line is there are lots of them pouring into the market right now. 2 of the 4 USA carriers have them available (T-mobile and AT&T) and the other two (sprint and verizon) will have them shortly. Since they are selling a boat load of them world wide, there is a lot of interest in developing and modding them. They have already started working on porting CM6 over to it and developers seem to be adopting the Galaxy S as a viable platform.

Also, there has already been a beta 2.2 firmware leaked and Samsung has committed to releasing 2.2 to all flavors of the Galaxy S in the next month or two.

I would strongly recommend the Galaxy S.

Now the bad news. The GPS really sucks in the Galaxy S phone. Like I only get a 1 or 2 sattelite lock. Ever. Samsung has acknowledged the problem and says they will have a software fix, but I think the hardware is just bad and they are trying to cook up a software band-aid to save face. It's good enough for me to navigate with, but it is rare for me to get more then 20m-30m accuracy.

If super accurate GPS is important to you, stay away from the Galaxy S. If a good enough GPS is good enough for you, I say go for it.
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Old 08-04-2010, 11:30 PM   #23 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Knoxville Tn
Posts: 87
Originally Posted by chocobomoshpit View Post
... am I the only one here with the Nexus One?
I got mine two days after it came out for ATT. Can't believe what a piece of shit the iPhone was after using the N1. Makes a good iPaperweight though.
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