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Old 01-21-2013, 06:17 PM   #21 (permalink)
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As he said, some would not be able to.
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Old 01-22-2013, 11:53 AM   #22 (permalink)
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I've noticed a lot of people mentioning the thing about people should have to get a license to have a kid thing and people seem to be disagreeing. I had thought that was just a throw away statement. But for the record I am 100% for gun control and I would be 100% behind people have to get a license to have kids if that were a thing.

Can you imagine how many would grow up in better homes if their parents had to be tested to have kids? I don't mean like an intelligence test or anything that would discriminate. I mean a simple test for common sense.

"Should you invite your drug dealer into the house if your kid is home?" Yes. No.

"Is beating your kid to a point where they could possibly need a doctor ever okay in any situation?" Yes. No.

"If your child is being really annoying is it okay to lock it in a closet so you can go about your business? Yes. No.

Simple things like that. If you answer yes to any of those questions you are more than an unfit parent and can't have kids. Simple
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Old 01-22-2013, 01:56 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Super Mario View Post
Here in Texas, we seem to have our shit under control.
Ah jeez...
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Old 01-22-2013, 04:41 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Old 01-23-2013, 12:12 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Super Mario View Post
what i dont understand about this whole situation is that if anyone tried to attack any other amendment in the constitution everyone would be pissed off. What if the government said free speech is your constitutional right, but u cant talk about certain things (ie anti government ideas). Or unlawful search and seizure is banned except for when the government feels its ok.

I know criminal always seem to use the 5th amendment to their benefit. what if the government started taking away those rights? I promise you the left would be all over the president if he started taking away the criminals rights.

They expect the people just to sit back and let them do what ever they want... taking away arguably the only right we have as the people to defend ourselves against the criminals and government.

Why do i need an "assault rifle"? So when the government decides to take anymore of my rights away, i wont be defenseless against them. In my honest opinion, i dont think any weapon the military carries should be illegal for citizens to own but i understand why they are banned. I honestly think the government should give the states the rights to decide what should be banned and what shouldn't be banned. Here in Texas, we seem to have our shit under control.

The problem with you argument is that you have to want to kill someone pretty bad to stab/choke/beat them to death. Killing with guns is so easy that it is a lazy way of murdering someone with a far better likelyhood of success.


It's just too easy. Why? Because guns have a single purpose, TO KILL, and they are very good at that.

FBI ? Table 20

Here you will find the FBI table 20 stats on murder in the US with guns being used on average 64% of the time. If those murders had to be carried out by other means it is very easy to argue that most of those people would not have died.

On the same day Sandy Hook took place a deranged man stabbed 20 in a Chinese school, everyone survived.
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Old 01-23-2013, 01:25 PM   #26 (permalink)
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I'd like to know statistically if the number of people who oppose Gun Control are they the same people that opposed to Obamacare due to the what was perceived as "death panels". Do they want people to die or not?

I am being flippant here.
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Old 01-25-2013, 10:00 PM   #27 (permalink)
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I loved this episode. I have loved all of the episode with Lauren's Dad. He is so articulate, makes his points, even though I don't agree with them I can sure as hell respect it since he obviously has a lot of thought and education behind them. Plus he has the best radio voice. I can't wait to hear him on the KATG show.

In terms of gun control, I think that maybe we should have a graduated system like we do with driver's licenses. For example, in order to drive a semi truck, you have to have a certain license and take courses, I think the same should be for guns. I have no experience with guns; I should NOT be allowed to go out and buy one. I think it is reasonable to expect to want these weapons registered plus even make sure that the people who buy them know how to use them. If they just want to collect them, maybe put a clause where if you want to buy the bullets for them, you have to take a class. I don't know, the whole thing is very complicated and the way laws and legislation move through, I doubt there ever will be a good solution.

I do completely agree with Ron on the point of mental health care needing to be much better in America. I work with older adults who have schizophrenia and other mental disorders...the number of homeless people we get who used to be in the state hospitals is staggering. Plus, community mental health centers that put people back in state hospitals have to pay a penalty as they do not want anyone in the state hospitals anymore. The problem is if someone has been in a state hospital for 50+ years especially during a time where the focus was not on rehabilitation or treatment but rather just a place to house is just messed up.
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Old 01-25-2013, 10:52 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Curt View Post
The problem with you argument is that you have to want to kill someone pretty bad to stab/choke/beat them to death. Killing with guns is so easy that it is a lazy way of murdering someone with a far better likelyhood of success.


It's just too easy. Why? Because guns have a single purpose, TO KILL, and they are very good at that.

FBI ? Table 20

Here you will find the FBI table 20 stats on murder in the US with guns being used on average 64% of the time. If those murders had to be carried out by other means it is very easy to argue that most of those people would not have died.

On the same day Sandy Hook took place a deranged man stabbed 20 in a Chinese school, everyone survived.
Well you can give up your guns im not
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Old 01-27-2013, 11:18 AM   #29 (permalink)
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I just want to be able to take a shotgun in the spring and hunt a turkey. A rifle in the winter for a deer. I know many responsible gun owners, but obviously our society is sick and it's getting worse. Let's try SOMETHING. Looking forward to this episode.
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Old 01-27-2013, 03:34 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Yall heard about the wannabe Michael Myers yet?

17-year-old murder suspect inspired by ?Halloween? slasher flick - NY Daily News
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