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View Poll Results: Are you a fan of the Kamala Harris pick for Vice President?
Yes 26 60.47%
No 7 16.28%
Don’t Care 10 23.26%
Voters: 43. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 08-13-2020, 07:11 AM   #11 (permalink)
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From what I hear dating sites are full of guys who are 'looking for a real relationship' now...well yeah, being single is only fun when you can go out and meet new people all of the time, not so much fun when you're stuck at home washing all your own dishes

Most these 'reformed' bachelor types will revert back the minute this COVID thing clears up...
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Old 08-13-2020, 11:45 AM   #12 (permalink)
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My boyfriend was listening with me, and was like, "who's this guy? Why are they Gootzing him?"
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Old 08-13-2020, 11:50 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Keith, The Girl, dr.chode and 6 others like this.
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Old 08-13-2020, 12:38 PM   #14 (permalink)
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My god this episode. Is this real life? Is this Christmas?

I have been involved in the going-on-a-date-without-the-other-person-knowing-its-a-date thing before, on both sides. So dumb. Joe needs to come out and tell her how he really feels about her, that technically she did win the tourney, but she orders food annoying so he'll be going to the runner up unless she can work with him on that.
Keith likes this.
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Old 08-13-2020, 12:38 PM   #15 (permalink)
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I get it.
Sadly you have the two party system and that’s how it goes.

A PSA from Germany:

Joe Biden isn’t my favorite choice either.
But he is an earth angel and incredibly qualified compared to Trump. Kamala is smart and qualified anyway.

Please vote for them and don’t skip the election because it’s not your ideal team.
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Old 08-13-2020, 01:54 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Apia resurrected View Post
I get it.
Sadly you have the two party system and that’s how it goes.

A PSA from Germany:

Joe Biden isn’t my favorite choice either.
But he is an earth angel and incredibly qualified compared to Trump. Kamala is smart and qualified anyway.

Please vote for them and don’t skip the election because it’s not your ideal team.
It's so so so hard this time around. I voted for Hillary in 2016 even though I wasn't a fan of her. But this Biden/Harris ticket is just a giant "fuck you" to anyone truly hoping for change. I feel like any way you slice it we're fucked. I've always been one to try to encourage people to vote even when we are choosing between a giant douche and a turd sandwich... but it feels so much harder this time. I feel like a vote for Biden is a resignation of any chance of hope or opportunity to change this fucked up system that we are forced into. Nobody in this election has the best interest of the American people in mind. Trump's election made me hopeless for our system and now Biden and Harris at the forefront of the ticket solidifies the DNC will do what the DNC wants to do regardless of what the American people truly want. I'm at the point where I don't even feel like I should participate in this system that is everything that's wrong with this country.

Not saying I won't vote... I'm just still grappling with it. I don't know what I'm going to do and it's never been that way for me.
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Old 08-13-2020, 02:39 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Christ Why View Post
Trump's election made me hopeless for our system and now Biden and Harris at the forefront of the ticket solidifies the DNC will do what the DNC wants to do regardless of what the American people truly want.
Maybe I am missing something here, but more voters voted for Biden than the other candidates? Isn't that what the American people truly want? If the American people truly wanted Warren or Sanders, wouldn't they have voted for them?
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Old 08-13-2020, 03:29 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bagelwagel View Post
Maybe I am missing something here, but more voters voted for Biden than the other candidates? Isn't that what the American people truly want? If the American people truly wanted Warren or Sanders, wouldn't they have voted for them?
I'm not sure how much you know already about how it works so forgive me if I'm giving you info you already know. The way that our political process is set up, basically the DNC pushes the candidate that they want for whatever reasons they want them (which usually revolves around who's putting the most money in who's pockets). The person who wins the nomination is not necessarily the person who got the most individual votes, instead it's whoever wins the most delegate votes. Delegate votes often don't align with the actual number of individual people that voted for a particular candidate in any given area because of the way they are split up. I truly believe that if our system was actually fair, Bernie would have been the nominee. Even more than in 2016 there was an overwhelming amount of support for Bernie. But that isn't enough in American politics.

There are many obstacles for any candidate that's not the candidate the DNC wants. The caucus in 2016, for example, was a complete mess. Many people did not get a chance to vote even though they were entitled to because of hours long wait times, deadlines, etc. I personally wasn't able to vote because by the time I was able to get into the room that I was meant to vote in, the deadline to collect votes had already ended. There were still hundreds of people who hadn't even made it into the building yet when I left defeated. And I know this is just one example of one experience, but it seemed to me that almost everyone I spoke to there who was willing to talk about it was there to vote for Bernie, and I heard a lot of similar experiences for other people. Thankfully many states changed that system for this election but that's just one of many problems with the way voting works in this country.

Early polls showed an overwhelming amount of support for Bernie, but because the Clintons have been and are in the DNC's pockets, it was basically doomed from the start that Bernie voters wouldn't have their voices heard and Hillary would be the candidate despite what the majority of people truly wanted

There has also been evidence in poorer neighborhoods or neighborhoods with a higher number of minorities that voters have been wrongly turned away for supposed voter registration issues, address issues, etc. and that polling places in more densely populated but less well-off neighborhoods are often vastly understaffed and unsupported.

Another example, the last debate that Bernie insisted on having even though Joe didn't want to, tickets to that debate were like $2,000 a pop. The average donation that Bernie Sanders gets is $27. Do you really think that anyone there was there to support Bernie? They only let rich people in who are willing to spend $2,000 to attend a live debate. Every step of our current system is built to get in the way of what is best for the country and instead we are stuck with what's best for the DNC.

All of this to say, just because the narrative is that "Joe Biden is what the people want", the votes that you're being shown are not an accurate representation of the country as a whole.

That is why I am saying I don't want to participate anymore. The DNC forced Joe Biden down our throats in the same way they forced Hillary down our throats and I don't feel like being complacent in that anymore.

I could go on and on but these are the things that come to mind immediately.

"What a strange, strange world we live in
Where the good are damned and the wicked forgiven
What a strange, strange world we live in
Those who don't have lose, those who've got get given
More, more, more, more"

Last edited by Christ Why; 08-13-2020 at 03:31 PM. Reason: fixed the order of paragraphs
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Old 08-13-2020, 03:50 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Eliiiii View Post
Joe and The Gootz must never meet 😳
I can't think of something I'd like to see more than those two interacting. I think it would go from "Young Girls are Hot, RIGHT?" to "I'm so lonely, bro" in about 10 minutes
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Old 08-13-2020, 04:34 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Christ Why View Post
I'm not sure how much you know already about how it works so forgive me if I'm giving you info you already know. The way that our political process is set up, basically the DNC pushes the candidate that they want for whatever reasons they want them (which usually revolves around who's putting the most money in who's pockets). The person who wins the nomination is not necessarily the person who got the most individual votes, instead it's whoever wins the most delegate votes. Delegate votes often don't align with the actual number of individual people that voted for a particular candidate in any given area because of the way they are split up. I truly believe that if our system was actually fair, Bernie would have been the nominee. Even more than in 2016 there was an overwhelming amount of support for Bernie. But that isn't enough in American politics.

There are many obstacles for any candidate that's not the candidate the DNC wants. The caucus in 2016, for example, was a complete mess. Many people did not get a chance to vote even though they were entitled to because of hours long wait times, deadlines, etc. I personally wasn't able to vote because by the time I was able to get into the room that I was meant to vote in, the deadline to collect votes had already ended. There were still hundreds of people who hadn't even made it into the building yet when I left defeated. And I know this is just one example of one experience, but it seemed to me that almost everyone I spoke to there who was willing to talk about it was there to vote for Bernie, and I heard a lot of similar experiences for other people. Thankfully many states changed that system for this election but that's just one of many problems with the way voting works in this country.

Early polls showed an overwhelming amount of support for Bernie, but because the Clintons have been and are in the DNC's pockets, it was basically doomed from the start that Bernie voters wouldn't have their voices heard and Hillary would be the candidate despite what the majority of people truly wanted

There has also been evidence in poorer neighborhoods or neighborhoods with a higher number of minorities that voters have been wrongly turned away for supposed voter registration issues, address issues, etc. and that polling places in more densely populated but less well-off neighborhoods are often vastly understaffed and unsupported.

Another example, the last debate that Bernie insisted on having even though Joe didn't want to, tickets to that debate were like $2,000 a pop. The average donation that Bernie Sanders gets is $27. Do you really think that anyone there was there to support Bernie? They only let rich people in who are willing to spend $2,000 to attend a live debate. Every step of our current system is built to get in the way of what is best for the country and instead we are stuck with what's best for the DNC.

All of this to say, just because the narrative is that "Joe Biden is what the people want", the votes that you're being shown are not an accurate representation of the country as a whole.

That is why I am saying I don't want to participate anymore. The DNC forced Joe Biden down our throats in the same way they forced Hillary down our throats and I don't feel like being complacent in that anymore.

I could go on and on but these are the things that come to mind immediately.

"What a strange, strange world we live in
Where the good are damned and the wicked forgiven
What a strange, strange world we live in
Those who don't have lose, those who've got get given
More, more, more, more"
You aren’t being an honest debater. You threw out a lot of random arguments to sidetrack the argument. If Biden got more votes in the primary than others, how is that not the will of the people?
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