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Meg Rowland

Blogger who climbed out of Hell with the help of KATG.
Meg Rowland has been on 1 show

KATG 1520: Touche

He doesn't necessarily know he's half-raping you, right? January 20, 2012

Show Notes

  • — Tolerance: The only thing worse than reading is writers, but Meg Rowland and Chris Turner-Neal of 2birds1blog are A-Okay
  • — A Couple Peens: The KATG Chat is full of Keith's buddies, many of whom regularly get naked on camera
  • — Go Girl: Keith likes Adele, but he and Chemda agree that she could use someone to talk to
  • — Is It Bad: Warrant minus Jani Lane came out with a new album and it's unlistenable, and Keith wonders if everything he's ever loved is bad
  • — Dreamcatcher: 55% of listeners think they're better than Keith
  • — Retarded Bandwagon: Bad Decision Dino wrote that Wikipedia is better than Keith
  • — Dream Journal: Meg had a similar situation when she stopped writing for a while
  • — Facade: Teachers in Buffalo, NY have plastic surgery covered by their insurance
  • — $500 Mil: Megaupload was shut down Thursday and its founders have been charged with violating copyright law
  • — Shit Tons: Meg's friend is sued for illegally downloading porn
  • — Good Point: A listener pointed out that no one should be surprised that Keith is fine with peeing on enemy soldiers since he shat in a milkshake and a file cabinet
  • — Hyphenated: Chris' parents never really loved each other, they were just lonely and wanted to fit in, but Chris is in a loving off and on live-in relationship
  • — Attainable: Meg and Chris hooked up when Chris wasn't sure he was gay, and Meg can't say anything nice about Chris' looks
  • — Shots: Meg moved to New York after school and got into graphic design, hated it, lost her friendships, got depressed, and got into drugs
  • — Half-Rape: She blacked out one night and came to in the middle of making out, then again in the middle of sex
  • — Moving On: Chemda is worried that her mom will judge her weight when she visits, and that maybe she'll assume she's a lesbian because of it

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