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Lauren Vino

Comedian, writer, and wrestling fan best known for her contributions to MTV News
Lauren Vino has been on 2 shows

KATG 2386: Runaway Bride

with Lauren Vino – A website offers fake doctor’s notes; 16-year-old robber shoots self in groin; safety re: NYC vs. Jerusalem; North Korea has 1st bank robbery (ever?); VI6SIX banned license plate; man poses as a federal agent to get into Comic Con VIP; Adolf Hitler kneeling statue sells for $17 million; ghosts and sex; Lauren’s called-off engagement May 13, 2016

Show Notes

  • — Foreshadowing: Lauren Vino, who we’ll get to later, is in studio
  • — A new website provides realistic fake notes to those looking to get out of work or class
  • — Teen Angst Hurts: A 16-year-old shot a hole through his groin with his own gun after trying to rob the person selling him pot
  • — The Third Israil: A bus explosion in Jerusalem injured 21 people, even though the driver checked for bombs twice
  • — Doubt It: North Korea just suffered its 'first' bank robbery ever
  • — VI6SIX: A man had to give up his custom license plate because it seemed too much like a reference to Satan, even though it was supposedly about hockey and his dead dad
  • — The Ultimate Cosplayer: A man is facing criminal charges for posing as a federal agent so he could get into the VIP area at Comic Con
  • — The Price Is Reich: A statue of Adolf Hitler that looks like a kneeling child when viewed from behind sold at auction for $17,200,000
  • — Scaaarrrrryyyyy: Back in 2009, 27% of KATG’s audience believed in ghosts
  • — Divorce Planning: Lauren discusses the events leading up to and the fallout from her recently called-off engagement


Lauren VinoLauren Vino

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