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1986: A Half-Ton of Fun

Donald Sterling sells the Clippers to Steve Ballmer for $2 billion, Justin Bieber tell racist jokes on camera, the world’s heaviest man dies, The Washington Post blames the UCSB shooting on Judd Apatow and Seth Rogan, Chemda meets her family, Charlie sheen blows up on Rihanna, Macaulay Culkin get pelted with beers, Led Zeppelin sued for Stairway to Heaven June 2, 2014

Show Notes

  • — I LOVE THIS TEAM!: Donald Sterling sold the LA Clippers, which he originally bought for $12 million, to ex-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer for $2 billion
  • — Never Say What?: Justin Bieber told racist jokes on camera while filming his concert film/documentary
  • — How’d He Die?: The one-time world's heaviest man died after slimming down from 1,230 pounds to a svelte 867 pounds
  • — #YesAllRogen: A writer for the Washington Post put part of the UCSB shooting blame on Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen for creating false ideals for unattractive men
  • — Family Matters: Chemda met with and spoke to her parents for the first time in 8 months; she also visited Lauren’s family in California
  • — #Hamateur: Rihanna refused to meet Charlie Sheen and his ex-porn star fiancée, much to Charlie’s dismay; Rihanna’s meet-and-greets are way more fun than Avril Lavigne’s meet-and-greets
  • — Such A Pizza Day: The Pizza Underground, Macaulay Culkin’s Velvet Underground and pizza-themed cover band, were booed off stage as they were pelted with pints of beer
  • — Stairway To Plagiarism: Led Zeppelin is being sued by the estate of one of its former tour mates for stealing the riff to one of their songs and using it for Stairway to Heaven

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