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Old 03-27-2020, 08:57 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by shoebootie View Post
Everything in German sounds angry, I don't think you were calling him a good boy at all. Honestly he better get his act together and amp up productivity or else. He looks lazy.
Its a she. Her name is Flocke. Meaning flake or snowflake. Of course she is sensitive= lazy.
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Old 03-27-2020, 09:20 AM   #42 (permalink)
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Well I am at the end of my second week of isolation. I go into town once a week just for a few supplies, and to make sure I drive my car once a week so the battery doesn't die. My mother-in-law has always been in close contact with us, so she's really the only other person I see during this quarantine, and she has thankfully helped me daily by taking my daughter to her house so I can get some work done.

I've baked 3 loaves of bread and am proofing another batch right now.

I'm drinking a lot more. And my dopey ass thought I was getting sick the other day, when it dawned on me "hey dummy you've drank no water and subsist on coffee and alcohol, maybe try some water and see if you feel a difference" and wouldn't ya know... two days of water and no alcohol and I feel like a human again.

So, I'm trying to stick to some core stuff to hang onto my sanity. Get my work done, get some activity in, drink water, talk to a friend. Remembering my OMAT gratitude because I have it very good compared to others. I texted my cousin yesterday and she has the 'rona, her boss has it too. My best friend got laid off from the company she's been with 10 years. This is hard on a lot of us, but I'm glad to have what I have, and glad for KATG and the forums and the technology that keeps us all together.
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Old 03-27-2020, 09:49 AM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by warriorcats View Post
fuck that sounds about right damn. I really wish the US would just officially go on quarantine for all states. But we pride ourselves in independence and each state is so contradictory towards each other. I was speaking with my mother earlier this week who's church has shut down indefinitely and asked her how she felt about the situation. Even though her church is saying it's dangerous and people should stay inside, her thoughts are "this is bullshit and I'm going to continue going outside and doing what I want. this country is being stupid. no reason for us to hole up and get paid money for doing so." Very intriguing take on things. I honestly take her opinions with many many grains of salt lol. Just funny that her church has decided to not happen due to corona virus but she is saying its bullshit lol.
You can thank right-wing media like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and of course Trump for originally downplaying COVID-19 and spreading the idea that it’s better for us to think about businesses and let people die because “The cure cannot be worst than the disease”.
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Old 03-27-2020, 12:15 PM   #44 (permalink)
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Well shit.
I closed on my house on Feb 14. Paid one mortgage payment and was told today our company (we are electricians, critical essential bla bla bla) will have to lay off a fuck ton of people. My heads definitely on the block.

Was supposed to take my Master Electrician Exam; it was cancelled for social distancing and I rescheduled it but there’s no way this shit will be over by April 16 so my guess is that’s not gonna happen any time soon either. It would have allowed me to get a decent raise.

I have been super lucky enough to have someone else paying for my daughter to go to college; he is on the brink of layoffs as well so she may end up coming home. Her college is fucked, mine as well.

Corona is fucking up my life. On the bright side, there’s a ton of vegan food at the grocery stores. I’m glad you all hate it. I can finally find the pizza bc it’s the only one left on the shelf.
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"If you’re insisting on talking to people whose opinions you find shitty, stop being surprised."-- Chemda
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Old 03-27-2020, 01:55 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Went out to get food at the supermarket for the first time since last weekend and they started limiting how many people could go in at the same time so there was a line outside. Somehow that made it very real that things are on lockdown.

Otherwise I'm ok with staying inside, I keep myself busy with watching too much Netflix and crafting.

Say hi to my new cuddle buddy who I took on a responsibly socially distant walk in the sunshine today:
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Old 03-28-2020, 12:17 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Have found entertainment in the US news coverage of the pandemic. I am in South Korea, where we have been in the grips of virus protection measures since January. For the longest I was upset that US did not just follow the lead that Korea started but then I watched a video from an interview on BBC with the lady here that contained the beverage here and realized that what works here will never work in the US.
Americans are too rebellious and trusting the government is definitely not an option. Good luck over there, we should be tasting freedom in about a month, which is 4 months of modified quarantine
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Old 03-30-2020, 03:50 PM   #47 (permalink)
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In Houston our leaders are telling criminals to postpone their criminal activity so the streets should totally be safe for awhile!
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Old 03-31-2020, 07:02 AM   #48 (permalink)
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My workplace just got it's first confirmed case of COVID , and everyone is losing their mind. I work for a biopharmaceutical company, and since they are considered "essential" they've been rolling til the wheels fall off.
An email went out last night saying we had our first case, and we would be contacted individually if we came in contact with this person, and I'm not going to lie to you, I'm scared.

My wife is immunocompromised and pregnant, my son is just 2 years old. If i was exposed, so were they, and that is the LAST thing I want.

Fingers crossed that nothing comes of it. Part of me wants to self quarantine for two weeks just in case, but I just don't know.

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Old 04-01-2020, 11:50 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Namibia only has 14 cases so far, but of course... hardly anyone is being tested. Our schools have been closed for 3 weeks, they moved our April holiday forward a month in hopes this might pass by then. I’m a high school art teacher and, like almost everyone, I’m concerned about job security during this. It has been my dream and I’m studying on distance to become fully qualified... which is what my time in our 21 day lockdown has gone towards.

I guess being busy is good, but there’s plenty to worry about too...

Last edited by lizzy1e; 04-01-2020 at 11:53 PM.
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Old 04-01-2020, 11:53 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by guitarrob View Post

Fingers crossed that nothing comes of it. Part of me wants to self quarantine for two weeks just in case, but I just don't know.

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Shit. I’m so sorry to hear.
Please keep us informed and I hope all will be well. Sending a big, sterile, socially distant hug to you.
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