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Old 03-13-2021, 04:43 AM   #151 (permalink)
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It's been a year. Hell, it's been eight. Grateful for the folks I've met since I last logged on while also still missing those here too. Post-COVID life is coming, sooner than we fear, not as soon as we'd like, and IDK if what I'm looking forward to and what I don't want to give up.
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Old 03-13-2021, 07:33 AM   #152 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Apia resurrected View Post
I feel bad today because now I believe it will never end.
I was allowed out and am again forced into home office.

Home office in my case is= longer hours, frustration and no fun. Its been a year like that.
Aw, Apia... I have many friends in Europe and Australia echoing your frustration... Namibia has been far more relaxed, but we also are far more sparsely populated... not that that really saves us, we still have to be careful and wear masks etc.

On the bright side, you have vaccines being rolled out, right? Our government had made zero plan in that regard. They seem to be waiting for some vaccine fairy to drop it in their laps while they waste money on lavish buildings for their political party and insane salaries.

Here we are back to face to face teaching which requires a mask for over 8 hours a day and so far my school has been spared any cases. It still doesn’t feel great, but is definitely better than home schooling. Thing is, I’m pregnant now and happy about it. I might not get another chance at my age... and just want to keep the two of us safe.

I also hate the idea of this little guy being born into a world with an epidemic, hand sanitiser everywhere and masks... but yeah...
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Old 03-13-2021, 08:31 AM   #153 (permalink)
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The vaccine rollout in here in theory, but for now over 70 year olds and essential workers are being vaccinated.
When family doctors are allowed to vaccinate, things will be better I guess.
But now I’m sad.
Work is pretty stressful, at least money is good.
Normally I have appointments, it’s fun and I like it.
Now, I can’t see my customers and need to wait to be called back.
For example, my appointment was at 3 pm. Now, I’m not there waiting for it, but at my desk waiting to be called back.

I don’t know if I will be called back and when. So I need to look at my phone for hours and even take it to the toilet. A call can be at 7 pm even if the appointment
was at 3 pm. My customers are also stressed with Covid ( physicians) so it’s hard for them. Luckily I know them from before and I’m pretty popular, so they want to talk to me in general. But still I often feel like waiting for a call from someone I met in a club and I hope to see again. Every day.
I hate it. My days never end now. I start at 7.30-8 and have sometimes calls at 8 -9 pm.
I used to be free at about 5-6 pm.
The feeling of not being able to really say I’m done with work today isn’t great. And I can’t really ever relax, have a glass of wine or so because I need to be able to explain bio-chemical stuff on the phone.

Stuff like: “ the new drug works with Si-RNA. You know pcsk9, the difference is the new drug prevents pcsk9 synthesis by bringing si rna into the body and to destroy the m-rna process that creates pcsk9 and preventing it from being produced, so the ldl isn’t protected anymore and the receptors on the liver are not being destroyed but can be recycled to be used on more ldl particles and presented on the liver cells again......;

Do you have questions? “
They always do. Always. So even when I’m outside with my dog I need to have my iPad with me to be able to send an email immediately after our talk with some studies and shit.

Last edited by Apia resurrected; 03-13-2021 at 08:48 AM.
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Old 03-13-2021, 08:43 AM   #154 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Apia resurrected View Post
The vaccine rollout in here in theory, but for now over 70 year olds and essential workers are being vaccinated.
When family doctors are allowed to vaccinate, things will be better I guess.
But now I’m sad.
Work is pretty stressful, at least money is good.
Normally I have appointments, it’s fun and I like it.
Now, I can’t see my customers and need to wait to be called back.
For example, my appointment was at 3 pm. Now, I’m not there waiting for it, but at my desk waiting to be called back.
Sorry to hear you are taking such strain, dear Apia.... it is a crappy situation and you are right, this online business just isn’t as easy and rewarding as seeing your appointment in person, I’m sure.

It has to be temporary... it just has to be... and that is the one light at the end of the tunnel. Sending lots of Namibian sunshine and hugs.
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Old 03-13-2021, 08:58 AM   #155 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by lizzy1e View Post
Sorry to hear you are taking such strain, dear Apia.... it is a crappy situation and you are right, this online business just isn’t as easy and rewarding as seeing your appointment in person, I’m sure.

It has to be temporary... it just has to be... and that is the one light at the end of the tunnel. Sending lots of Namibian sunshine and hugs.
I know I’m lucky, because I’m getting paid well.
Still I think about trying to find another job in the company, maybe as an it-trainer if there was an opening someday. I hope there will be.
I’m doing it training for free for my colleagues anyway.
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Old 03-14-2021, 05:58 AM   #156 (permalink)
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I obsess about suicide a lot.
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Old 03-14-2021, 07:41 AM   #157 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by daemon View Post
I obsess about suicide a lot.
How is your situation? Work? Personal?
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Old 04-24-2021, 09:15 PM   #158 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sex_n_diamonds View Post
I think I made peace of not going home for the holidays back in August, when I realized that my family and I are on opposite sides politically around the pandemic (my sister in law even attended an anti-masker rally...). One thing I was really looking forward to is getting together, in small groups, with friends for the holidays, as we were allowed to gather in groups of up to 6 during the summer months and early fall.

The province of BC, where I live, announced that we're prohibited from gathering for holidays. Right now, we're allowed to interact only with the people we live, be it in public or private spaces.

Sucks but I get it. I just can't seem to find a way to cheer up and enjoy the holidays. I live with just my partner and the dog. I dont know how to make Christmas and New Year special when it will just be us at home, and I cook on the daily. I worry that this will end up feeling just like any regular night and I really need some (even if forced) joy this season.

So... what are you guys doing to celebrate this year and make it feel special even in lockdown? Need ideas that aren't "cook a festive meal" or "make holiday decorations" that internet keeps spewing out at me.
Hey neighbor. What a blast from the past seeing your name pop up. I had to think about where I remembered it and then I did. Man. Brings me back to some really fun times.

Hope you are doing okay, maybe one of these days when this insanity is over we can get together and I dunno just exist. At least I have my vaccine so that’s something.
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Old 04-24-2021, 09:16 PM   #159 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by daemon View Post
I obsess about suicide a lot.
I feel this deeply. Hope you’re safe and have support. If not let us know, please. We may just be internet strangers but I mean we are all strangers to everyone in most ways.

Sometimes having the ear of someone without the baggage can be important.
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Old 04-24-2021, 11:34 PM   #160 (permalink)
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We started later with the vaccine so I’m still waiting.
When I listen to podcasts people seem to see the world reopening but my world doesn’t yet. I often thought maybe this is life now.
We traveled a lot in the past, so at least I have my memories. My job isn’t fun this way but I make money.
Still I can’t change that I’m an extrovert and this is not ideal especially after over a year.

I still only see my family.
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