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Old 06-18-2008, 06:49 AM   #81 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ThePixelator View Post
My senior year of high school I slept with this girl's boyfriend, then pretended to be her friend for the rest of the school year all the while convincing her that he was not cheating.
I think I love you.

On a slightly darker note, about two and a half years ago I'd been dating this girl I worked with when I found out she'd been lying to me about sleeping with her 'BFF' who happened to be a guy. So after six months with no contact I picked up a few shifts at that job again and met her new BF who happened to be this cute little dark haired girl. So I proceeded to start plowing her friend. Then found out that that her and her new BF were also bi-sexual and in this strange emotionally co-dependant relationship. Shortly thereafter her friend told me she was in love with me, so I dumped her she then attempted suicide and it also sent the first girl into a suicidal depression ( she ended up spending 2 wks in the looney bin).

Bitch shouldn't have lied.
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Old 06-18-2008, 07:32 AM   #82 (permalink)
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I am going to cope no end of shit for this list from p0ppy0ne
Broke into a skool to get sports equipment to play cricket -got caught-
Stole endless amounts of cars stripped a few for parts
We use to like breaking into cars on hills and knocking them out of gear and letting the parking break off and watching them roll down hills and hit things
Added a couple of friends in burglaries I got to be the getaway driver
Credit card fraud ,my brother worked in bars and restaurants people use to leave there cards at the bar for tabs we use to forge signatures and do cash advances on there credit cards.
Someone that ripped me off I arrange to have there car stolen and burnt out he lost $1000's of dollars of work equipment
2 pursuits with police cars got away both times I had local road and off road knowledge of the area
Beat my share of people up for no reason but always walked away with a wallet
Have you ever seen a stolen car hit a port a potty . I have
Rammed my car into an asshole I worked with his car, parked outside his house . to stupid to match my paint on his car
Wing mirror baseball
Broke my brothers arm fighting
Crashed my mothers car being a fuck head lied about how it happened
Stole my mothers car to go out with friends
I worked at a place I hated i use to break machine so I didn't have to work
Paid kids money to steal cars to enter in Demo Derby's
Hit a lamp post and a power transformer and kill the power to a house estate
My friends brother got beaten up once we spotted the chumps on the side of the road we launched a 5 ft timber fence post out the window of a car one kid broke his leg
Pull letter boxes out of the ground and throw them through windscreens of parked cars from a moving van
Throwing pallets and cylinder heads off freeway overpasses on the roof of police cars
I worked with a guy who was making trouble so i laid him out cold in the lunchroom floor .he quit after that,no one believed his story .
And many more things that escape me at the moment.
I have only been arrest a couple of times, got away all but a real small percentage of things

I don't really have one thing I can pinpoint but my late teens till my late 20's was a fun ride. I did it all sober unless I said, and have never taken any drugs
Paltalk: cameronaussa

Fark you Faggot!

Last edited by st0l3n; 06-18-2008 at 05:04 PM.
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Old 06-18-2008, 12:25 PM   #83 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by anil View Post
OHHHHHHH I FINALLY THOUGHT OF ONE, hopefully Vudell would be impressed...
don't be a weirdo, I never said anything about the quality of your stories. Confusing me with LOCR?

GOY for posting content, fuck you for being weird about it, geeze.
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Old 06-18-2008, 12:43 PM   #84 (permalink)
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At the age of 17 my friend and I were up on a hill behind some tree shooting BB guns at passing cars below. It didn't seem like we were hitting anything, but suddenly a car came screeching around the corner and a guy jumped out and started running towards us. Under the cover of trees we quickly hid our guns in our jackets and ran a few feet away and pretended we were just taking a walk.

When the guy reached us, he started to scream about somebody "throwing a rock". I innocently said "we didn't throw any rocks, but maybe it was those two guys over there" (pointing at to guys that were jogging in the distance).

To avert suspicion I engaged the guy in conversation, asking innocently what exactly had happened. The guy said that he was driving his 4-year-old little girl to a birthday party, when her passeger window mysteriously shattered and injured her eye. He had dropped her off at the clinic down the road, and had jumped back in the car to look for the perps!

The worst thing is, I actually went with him to look at the car and sure enough there was a shattered passenger window, and a birthday present nicely wrapped with a pink bow on top, sitting on the passenger seat with broken glass and some blood.

I have always felt horrible about that, and now as a father of a little girl the same age, remembering this makes me physically sick.

Last edited by Mr.Stabby; 06-18-2008 at 12:46 PM.
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Old 06-18-2008, 01:21 PM   #85 (permalink)
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Minus the obvious killing people...

And the obvious killing people while I'm in the Army...

And the obvious growing up in Texas, shooting random shit/people/vehicles...

And the obvious being a KATG fan, which means I'm a fucking asshole...

And the obvious random vandalism of my high school's agriculture program over those 4 years...

I think the worst thing I have ever done was mixing in marbles with my paintballs in a tournament that we were losing in. Oh, and by the way, it works.
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Old 06-18-2008, 02:39 PM   #86 (permalink)
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There are a few tings I would post here but the statute of limitations hasn't run out on them, so.....

in the late 80's I fucked a married woman. Hey, I thought she was separated or something. She liked getting spanked. It was all great until her husband started pounding on doors at my apartment building. A few days later she showed up with her kid while I was on the way to the lake with my brother and friends. I blew her off.

Also once I broke up with a girl because she kept giving me strep throat. True story.
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Old 06-18-2008, 04:00 PM   #87 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Vudell View Post
don't be a weirdo, I never said anything about the quality of your stories. Confusing me with LOCR?

GOY for posting content, fuck you for being weird about it, geeze.
i know right?
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Old 06-18-2008, 04:17 PM   #88 (permalink)
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When I was a kid, I liked experimenting with pain. I once saw a girl fall and bruise her forhead. I was fascinated, so I went back home, and begun hitting my head against the bed head board harder and harder for a hundred times. I cut myself, tried sticking pins in my arm...
I kicked my dog in the face for no reason and broke off one of his teeth. I feel bad for doing that...And I used to steal donated change from my school (hey, they left it lying around...) I was a klepto, everytime I saw money, I'd take it.

I was an only child...I needed to entertain myself...
'I commit my body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of the Resurection into eternal life.'

754: The Worst thing We've Ever Done"Plaumff, assuming the avatar is her, very sexy girl." - Keith
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Old 06-18-2008, 04:27 PM   #89 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by plaumff View Post
And I used to steal donated change from my school (hey, they left it lying around...) I was a klepto, everytime I saw money, I'd take it.

I was an only child...I needed to entertain myself...
I used to steal money from the change boxes at book fairs. The PSA mums would always leave it there open and I used to just swipe bills. Sometimes I even went back for seconds.
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Old 06-18-2008, 04:29 PM   #90 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TeddyPicker View Post
I used to steal money from the change boxes at book fairs. The PSA mums would always leave it there open and I used to just swipe bills. Sometimes I even went back for seconds.
Lol, my mom wondered where I was getting all the money from, cause everytime she needed change, I had a, adults trusting kelpto children, pfff...
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