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Old 04-02-2020, 12:32 AM   #51 (permalink)
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Here in Germany the measures start to work.

The amount of infected people used to double in 3 days, yesterday it was 8,2 days.
That doesn’t mean of course that it’s great but the curve flattened.

That’s good news considered the alternative.

We had plans to go to the Netherlands for 4 days tomorrow, but of course we go nowhere.
Instead there are some home renovation projects we will do.
I am still at the Homeoffice. I am glad to still have my job.

Scroll down, the curves are in the middle of the site.
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Old 04-02-2020, 06:47 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Apia resurrected View Post
Here in Germany the measures start to work.

The amount of infected people used to double in 3 days, yesterday it was 8,2 days.
That doesn’t mean of course that it’s great but the curve flattened.
Wonderful to hear! I was supposed to travel to Germany for the first time ever next week... but the living room is nice too.
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Old 04-02-2020, 08:59 AM   #53 (permalink)
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I haven't had a chance to join the Zoom Chat parties (stupid timezones) but now that's set up I would love to see a return of my oldschool fav 100 for 30.
But obviously the virtual socially distant zoom edition.

I've watched a lot of drag queens doing virtual shows lately, can I haz some KATG best guests pretty please?
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Old 04-02-2020, 09:08 AM   #54 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Apia resurrected View Post
Here in Germany the measures start to work.

The amount of infected people used to double in 3 days, yesterday it was 8,2 days.
That doesn’t mean of course that it’s great but the curve flattened.

That’s good news considered the alternative.

We had plans to go to the Netherlands for 4 days tomorrow, but of course we go nowhere.
Instead there are some home renovation projects we will do.
I am still at the Homeoffice. I am glad to still have my job.

Scroll down, the curves are in the middle of the site.
This is really reassuring news. Not to be pessimistic but I doubt the US is going to follow suit in flattening the curve anytime soon because people won't listen because #merica and #freedom and all.

I was in such a depressive state yesterday. Once again I made the mistake of watching the news. I'm not consuming news all day long, but I check the 5 o'clock news once a day. The thing that broke me was the news of the youngest corona fatality in the US. It just broke me. Thinking of those parents, how six weeks ago, life was still normal, and now everything is broken for them.

I missed the zoom party last night but hopefully can join in the next one.

Oh and I baked another loaf of bread. This time, challah. Next bread: focaccia. BREADS OF THE WORLD!
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Old 04-02-2020, 09:17 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Today the it’s 10,1 days. ( the time the amount of infected people doubles)

That’s good news.
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Old 04-02-2020, 10:46 AM   #56 (permalink)
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Slightly more comforting news, i guess.

Yesterday, our VP went department to department, sending everyone home. Our production schedule slowed to a halt so they thought it best to send even essential personnel home for a minimum of two weeks, all salaries paid.

Everybody except for maintenance (my department) and a few scientists currently working on potential treatments for COVID-19.

I'm still very, very nervous. But I suppose that has subsided slightly being that there's practically no one here. However, our campus is located in the medical complex where they are screening for the virus, and the main hospital treating our states' cases is also right next door.

Other than that, life is relatively normal. Not leaving the house unless I absolutely have to. Keeping the wifey and kiddo at home. We're going a bit stir crazy, but we're keeping busy. Even discussed starting a podcast last night. Wife is eager for this to be over so she can see her friends before baby comes. I'm completely socially goddamn inept so I don't necessarily have that issue.

Except for you assholes. I like you guys a lot.
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Old 04-02-2020, 02:43 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Being stuck in a 650sq ft box by yourself for a month teaches you a lot, considering you’re basically alone with your thoughts. Kind of had some realizations and oddly enough you kind of learn who your friends are when you aren’t interacting in person. Chatting a little every night in the zoom room and through video chats has helped me not go totally crazy, but I did still end up dancing around my apartment randomly. I realized I really want to get out and meet more people (after this is over) I’ve very shy, actually and want to break that. As for Coronavirus and real problems, the numbers in Houston keep going up, I’m hoping it levels out soon. I found out a couple in my apartment complex have it I’m honestly getting really worried about this virus. Anyways that’s me, just thought I’d share my experience.

Last edited by Trash_Bat; 04-02-2020 at 03:13 PM.
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Old 04-02-2020, 05:55 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Do I have it?

I’m off work for next two weeks, seems I have/had all the symptoms Hopefully I’ll never find out cause it’s only confirmed in hospital here in U.K. I was classed as a keyworker so had to go into A busy work environment during lockdown. There are only 160 confirmed cases in a population of 1.2 million in the area I live but it’s so contagious one person after ten days can infect potentially 59,000 people

I love isolation but it’s messed up my new business as a Hypnotherapist & MassageTherapist. I’ll also never go into large crowds again.

Watch out for me joining the chat.
Follow me @79LoopyLou

no shitbags
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Old 04-02-2020, 09:10 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Every day I read about thousands of people dying but I don't know any of them. Yet air pollution has gone away, the freeways are a pleasure now and I'm told I'm getting a bonus check in the mail, free new podcasts, and free HBO! I do feel bad for all the Covidians, but I might be on team #HugTheCurve.
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Old 04-02-2020, 09:15 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LoopyLou79 View Post
I’m off work for next two weeks, seems I have/had all the symptoms Hopefully I’ll never find out cause it’s only confirmed in hospital here in U.K. I was classed as a keyworker so had to go into A busy work environment during lockdown. There are only 160 confirmed cases in a population of 1.2 million in the area I live but it’s so contagious one person after ten days can infect potentially 59,000 people

I love isolation but it’s messed up my new business as a Hypnotherapist & MassageTherapist. I’ll also never go into large crowds again.

Watch out for me joining the chat.
Can you hypnotize people online by webcam and audio? This would really take the chat to the next level.
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